ThemeGrill Blog WordPress News, Trends and Information Wed, 23 Oct 2024 04:04:30 +0000 en-US hourly 1 ThemeGrill Blog 32 32 Introducing ColorMag Header Footer Builder: A Game-Changer for Your Website Design Wed, 23 Oct 2024 03:42:45 +0000 Get Header and Footer Builder with ColorMag Free v4.0.0 and ColorMag Pro v5.0.0! Update now and experience the change!

We’re thrilled to announce the release of ColorMag Free v4.0.0 and ColorMag Pro v5.0.0, which introduces the powerful Header Footer Builder feature.

This update brings advanced flexibility, controls, and customization options to your WordPress site.

By following this guide, you can transition smoothly to the new builder and unlock the full potential of your ColorMag theme.

Let’s dive into what this means for you and how to make the most of these new capabilities.

Attention: Know this Before Using ColorMag’s Header & Footer Builder

Before you start exploring this powerful new tool, please consider these crucial points:

  • Backup your site before updating or making any changes
  • Try updating on a staging site first (if you don’t have one, here’s a guide on creating a staging site)
  • Once the Header and Footer builder is enabled, you can’t roll back
  • If you use a child theme, disable the child theme before updating

For a seamless transition, please read this article carefully or contact our support team for assistance.

What’s New in ColorMag?

The star of this update is undoubtedly the new Header and Footer Builder. This feature allows you to create custom headers and footers using a visual, drag-and-drop interface.

Here’s what you can experience with the builder:

Header Builder

Header Builder comes with a visual drag-and-drop interface. You can now easily customize your header layout without touching code.

Here are the key components that come with the Header builder:

  • Site Title and Logo
  • Primary Menu
  • Secondary, Tertiary, and Quaternary Menus
  • Search functionality
  • Custom HTML
  • Widgets
  • Social Icons
  • Buttons
Header Builder Components

You can now personalize your site’s title and logo by changing the colors and typography and enabling/disabling it as needed.

Footer Builder

Footer Builder has flexible layout options, including multi-row and multi-column footer designs.

Here are the key components offered by Footer Builder:

  • Custom HTML
  • Multiple Widget areas
  • Menu
  • Social Icons
  • Copyright Text
Footer Builder Components

Best of all, editing your copyright text is as easy as ever.

Enhanced Customization

You can now effortlessly fine-tune each component’s colors, typography, padding, margins, and more. Here’s what you get:

  • New Customizer Color Palette: Simplify your design process with a new color palette.
  • Improved UI/UX: Enjoy a smoother experience with enhancements in toggle, select, slider, radio-image, sortable, editor, typography, dimension, navigation, and color controls.
  • Reset to Default Option: Quickly revert to default settings with the new reset option.

Impact on Child Theme Users

If you’ve used a Child Theme to customize your header and footer styles, this update might affect certain aspects of your existing design.

Don’t worry—we’ve taken steps to ensure the transition is as smooth as possible for child theme users.

Please contact our support team for assistance in smoothly transforming from a static header to a new header-footer builder.

Also, with the new builder, you may no longer need a child theme for header and footer customizations.

How to Use ColorMag’s New Header and Footer Builder?

For existing ColorMag users, here’s how to smoothly transition to the new Header and Footer Builder:

Step 1: Update Your Theme

Ensure you’ve updated ColorMag free to v4.0 and Pro to v5.0 or later.

To confirm, visit your dashboard and navigate to Appearance >> Themes. You’ll see the notification with the Update now link.

Update ColorMag Theme

Click on the link, and the theme will be updated.

Updated ColorMag Theme

Step 2: Enable Builder Through Theme Customizer

Go to Appearance > Customize in your WordPress dashboard.

Navigate to Appearance Customize

Click on Header & Navigation.

Navigate to Header and Navigation in ColorMag

Now, toggle on that “Enable Builder” option.

You will now see an important notice that we’ve mentioned above. Please read them carefully and hit the Continue button to get started.

Notice After Enabling ColorMag Header

Your site now has Header and Footer Builder enabled.

Step 3: Explore Builder Components for Header and Footer

Next, click on Header Builder to see all the available builder components.

Navigate to Header Builder

You can drag and drop the elements on your header and customize them. On the left, you’ll see all the new header builder components.

Drag-and-drop Header Elements

Similarly, for Footer Builder, click on the tab and explore all the components.

Navigate to Footer Builder

From footer builder, you can also easily edit the number of rows and change the style. Most importantly, you can edit the copyright on the footer right from the Footer Builder.

Edit Copyright from Footer in ColorMag Footer Builder

You can see the changes right on your screen as you change the footer and header.

Once you’re satisfied with everything, hit the Publish button.

Publish Changes

If you’re unsure about making drastic changes, start small. Modify one section at a time and publish when you’re satisfied.

If you get stuck on any of the steps, feel free to reach out to our support team.

Tips for Using the New Builder

Here’re some tips for using the ColorMag’s Header and footer Builder:

  • Plan Your Layout: Sketch out your desired header and footer designs before you start building.
  • Utilize All Components: Experiment with new components like the search functionality or social icons to enhance user experience.
  • Maintain Consistency: While customizing, ensure your header and footer designs align with your overall site aesthetics.
  • Mobile Optimization: Don’t forget to check and adjust your designs for mobile devices.
  • Take Advantage of Advanced Options: Explore typography, color, and spacing settings to fine-tune your design.

Feedback and Helpful Resources

We’ve created this new feature based on user feedback and requests. So, we’re excited to see how you’ll use it to enhance your websites.

We welcome your thoughts and feedback as we continue to grow and improve ColorMag.

For in-depth guides on using ColorMag’s Header and Footer Builder, check out our detailed documentation:

  1. ColorMag’s Header Builder Guide
  2. ColorMag’s Footer Builder Guide

Troubleshooting Common Issues

  • If you don’t see the new builder options, make sure your theme is fully updated. Ensure you update the free version to v4.0.0 or above and the pro version to v5.0.0 or above.
  • In case of conflicts with existing plugins, try disabling them temporarily and re-enabling one by one.

We hope you enjoy these new features and enhancements. The Header Footer Builder is designed to give you more control and flexibility, making it easier than ever to create a stunning website.

For detailed instructions and troubleshooting tips, refer to the ColorMag documentation or reach out to ColorMag support for assistance.

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How to Remove Page Title in WordPress? (Beginner’s Guide 2024) Tue, 13 Aug 2024 04:39:51 +0000 Want to know how to remove page title in WordPress? If you answered yes, this article is for you.   

A page title is an important part of the page. However, not every page needs a title. Besides that, removing and placing titles in different sections might give your page a more aesthetic vibe.  

In this article, we’ve discussed various methods for removing page titles in WordPress. Make sure you follow the article to the end. 

Before we learn how to remove page titles in WordPress, let’s learn some benefits of removing page or post titles in WordPress.   

Why Remove a Page Title in WordPress?  

Page or Post title is important for search engines. Additionally, the page and post titles are useful to let users know where or which page they’re currently on.   

However, some pages, such as landing pages or home pages, do not necessarily require a title. You may also want some pages to have a unique design.

Besides, WordPress comes with fixed positions for the title. However, not everyone has the same taste regarding website design.

Hence, you might want to put the title page in a different position.   

These are a few reasons why you might need to remove page titles in WordPress. 

How to Remove Page Title in WordPress?  

By far, we’ve known the importance of removing page titles in WordPress. So, let’s dive into the actual process of removing the title tag from the page and post.   

Method 1: Using a WordPress Theme ( Zakra Theme)  

The very first method to remove a page header is using your WordPress theme’s editor.

Many themes allow removal of the page title. Nonetheless, you need a theme that helps you easily remove page header and has many customization options.

Zakra is one of those themes. It’s multipurpose, optimized for speed, highly customizable, SEO optimized, and so much more.

Zakra New Homepage

To remove individual page header using Zakra, the obvious thing to do is to install and activate the theme on your dashboard. Upon activation, you can import a demo of your choice.

Next, go to Pages section from the left sidebar menu. You can find all the pre-built as well as newly created pages.

Select the page you want to customize and click on Edit option.   

Page Navigation Option

On the page editor, scroll down until you find the Page Settings option.

Now, under the Page Header section, uncheck the Enable Page Header checkbox to disable the page header.  

Disable Page Header

Hit the Update button, and that’s all; you’ve successfully removed the page title using Zakra.  

Method 2: Remove Page Title Using Plugin   

The second method on how to remove page title in WordPress is through a WordPress plugin.

Again, the question is which plugin you should use. Well, we’re more than happy to suggest AMS Hide Page and Post Title.   

AMS Hide Page and Post Title Plugin

AMS Hide Page and Post Title currently has more than 900 active installations. This plugin allows you to hide individual pages and post title tags via the edit post screen.

After successfully installing the plugin, open the page or post you want to edit. 

On the right-hand side, you can find various post customization options. Scroll down until you find Hide Title option.

Now, simply check on the Hide The Title checkbox and Update or Publish the Post or Page respectively.   

Hide Title Checkbox

You can see the title has been removed without any fuss.   

Method 3: Remove Title on Specific Page or Post Using CSS  

The third way of removing page titles in WordPress is by using Additional CSS.

From your WordPress dashboard, go to the Page or Post section. Now, select the page/post you want to Edit.   

Edit Post Button

Next, look at the URL address in your browser. You can see something like ‘post = 829’ from the image below.

Post Number

Simply copy and save this number because that’s the post’s ID which you’ll need later for your CSS code.   

Then, go to Appearance >> Customize.  You will be redirected to the WordPress customizer.

On the left side, you can find all the customization menu. Select the Additional CSS option.   

Additional CSS Option

Add the following code snippet in the text editor section.   

.postid-829 .entry-title {  
display: none;  

Make sure to replace ‘829’ with whatever number is shown on your URL. Don’t forget to hit the Publish button to save all the changes.   

Additional CSS Code

You can still see the title? This might be because your WordPress theme may be using different CSS classes. This means that the post/page id will be different from the number shown on the URL.   

To find the correct ID, follow these steps.   

Open the page or post of which you want to remove the title. Next, open your browser’s developer console. 

Use the shortcut Ctrl + Shift + J if you’re using chrome. Similarly, use Command + Option + J shortcut on Mac. 

Apart from that, you can also right-click on the mouse. Select the Inspect option after that.

Inspect Post Id

On the developer’s console, click on the three-dotted icon, select the Search option, or use the shortcut Ctrl+Shift+F.   

Search Option for Page Id

You can find the search bar at the bottom of the developer console. Type <body class on the search bar and hit the Enter key.   

Page Id

You will find something like this if you’ve opened your WordPress page:   

<body class=”home page-template page-template-page-templates page-template-pagebuilder page-template-page-templatespagebuilder-php page page-id-1079 logged-in admin-bar no-customize-support wp-custom-logo theme-zakra woocommerce-no-js tg-no-content-margin tg-site-layout–stretched tg-container–wide has-page-header has-breadcrumbs woocommerce-active”> 

In the above sample code, you can see that the page id is 1079. Likewise, while you’re inspecting a WordPress post, this is what you’ll see:  

<body class=”post-template-default single single-post postid-829 single-format-standard logged-in admin-bar no-customize-support wp-custom-logo theme-zakra woocommerce-no-js tg-site-layout–right tg-container–wide has-page-header has-breadcrumbs woocommerce-active”>   

Here, the postid is 829. All you need to do is add the postid or page-id value to the CSS code we added earlier on the text editor.   

Don’t forget to click the Publish button. Now, you can see that the page/post title has been removed.   

The above process removes the title from an individual post and page. If you want to remove title from all the pages and posts add this code snippet to the text editor.   

display: none;

Add the following code if you wish to hide just the titles from your pages but not posts.  

.page .entry-title{  

Similarly, add these codes to the text editor to hide the title from your posts only.  

.post .entry-title{  

Wrapping It Up!  

Finally, we’re at the end of this article. We’ve explained three different methods you can implement to remove page or post title in WordPress.

Please choose whichever method you’re comfortable with. You can either use the Zakra theme, the AMS Hide Page, and Post Title plugin or use CSS code to hide the title.  

Hope you found this article useful! If you did, please share it with your friends and family on social media.

You can also follow us on Twitter and Facebook for regular updates and exciting news.   

Before you leave, look at these amazing articles on how to customize a WordPress theme and change the theme in WordPress.

If you want to learn more, feel free to check out our blog.   

How to Change Link Color in WordPress? (With No Code) Wed, 31 Jul 2024 07:55:55 +0000 Wondering how to change link color in WordPress? If yes, this article is just the thing you’ve been searching for.

The link color should align with your website’s color and enhance your website’s overall look and feel. It gives aesthetic appeal to users and improves navigation.

You can change the link text color using various methods that we’ve mentioned below. Hence, keep reading to easily change the color of the links on your WordPress website.

Let’s start by learning why you should change link color in WordPress.

Importance of Changing Link Color in WordPress 

When you install a theme, it comes with a default link color. Sometimes, you might like the color, while other times, it may not align with your website’s primary color.

Nevertheless, if you don’t like the default link color, you’ll want to change it to a more personalized color. Also, it helps with the consistent branding of your site.

Apart from that, changing the link color can make your site more aesthetic and boost the accessibility of your WordPress website.  

Obviously, it also has SEO benefits, as a noticeable link color encourages users to click and explore more content, reducing bounce rates.

How to Change Link Color in WordPress Without Using Code? (4 Simple Ways)

And now, let’s get into the methods to change the link color in WordPress. Also, you don’t need coding knowledge if you use these methods.  

Method 1: Using Custom CSS Code 

The very first method is to use custom CSS code. For this, you’ll need the hex code for the color you want to use on your website.  

So, log in to your WordPress dashboard and go to Appearance >> Customize.  

Customization Navigation

From the sidebar, select the Additional CSS option. Then, add the following code:  


      color: #ff0000 ; 


Don’t forget to hit the Publish button to save all the changes. The link color of your entire site will be (ff0000) Red now. Of course, if you’re not happy with the color, you can change the hex code of your choice.  

How to Change Link Color in WordPress using Additional CSS

Method 2: Using WordPress Customizer  

The second method for changing link color in WordPress is through the WordPress customizer. Your active WordPress theme can help you change the color of your link.

An important question is which theme provides easier and more versatile options for changing the link. Well, Zakra is the theme we’re suggesting.

Zakra offers 130+ demos suitable for creating any niche WordPress website. It’s also highly customizable and optimized for speed.  

Zakra New Homepage

To change the link color using Zakra, you need to install the theme first. After you install and activate the Zakra theme, go to Appearance >> Customize.  

Then, click on Global >> Colors >> Link Colors option. There are two options, which are as follows:  

  • Normal: Change the color of the link on your site. 
  • Hover: With the help of this option, you can change the color of the link when hovering.  
Zakra Global Link Color Change

The free version of Zakra offers limited customization options. Nevertheless, Zakra Pro offers more customization options.

So, if you want more control and options to change your site’s link color, install and activate the Zakra Pro add-on.

Just like before, go to Appearance >> Customize >> Global >> Colors >> Link Colors. Along with the two options mentioned above, you can notice there are more options that we’ve discussed below:  

  • Active Color: Select the color of the link during the Active state. 
  • Focus Color: Select the link color on Focus
  • Visited Color: Change the color of the Visited link on your website.  
Zakra Pro Link Color Change

Using the multipurpose Zakra theme, you can change these color link options. Lastly, click on the Publish button to save all the changes.

Method 3: Using Elementor 

The next easy method for changing link color in WordPress is to use one of the most popular drag-and-drop page builder plugins, Elementor. Of course, the plugin must be installed and activated on your website to change the link color.  


After the installation process, open the page or post in the Elementor editor.  

In the top left corner, you can find the Hamburger icon; click on it. Then, select the Site Settings option. Thereafter, click on the Typography option.  

Elementor Link Color Change

Then, from the Link option, you can change the Normal link color and the color of the link on Hover.  Furthermore, there are two options – Color and Typography.  

Color: Default colors are available. A Color Picker is also provided so that you can add a hex code or select a color.  

Default Color Picker

Typography: You might want to change the typography of the links on your site, along with the color. You can customize the FamilySizeWeightStyleDecorationLine HeightWord Spacing, and more.  

Typography Option

Elementor also allows you to change the link color on Hover. Similar to the Color option, you can change the link color and typography on the hover of your site. If you’re satisfied with the customization, hit the Update button.  

Method 4: Using WordPress Editor 

All the above methods are useful for changing the color of links across your entire site.  However, you might want a specific page to stand out more than the rest of the page.

In such cases, you can change the link color of an individual page using the standard WordPress editor.  

Open the page or post of your choice. Now, highlight the URL link to which you want to change the color.  A floating toolbar will appear; simply select the dropdown icon and click on the Highlight option.

There are two further options – Text and Background. 

URL Link Color Change

There is a Pre-defined Text color and a Custom Text color as well. With the Custom Text color option, you can easily add a Hex Code of your preference.  

WordPress Editor Hex Code

As the name suggests, the Background option allows you to add or change the background color. Once you finish the customization process, you can either Update or Publish the page/post.  

Wrapping It Up!  

And it’s a wrap on this article about how to change link color in WordPress. Above, we’ve mentioned 4 different methods through which you can change the link color globally as well as individually. Once again, below, we’ve mentioned the methods:

  • Using Custom CSS
  • Using WordPress Customizer
  • Using Elementor Plugin
  • Using WordPress Editor

You can choose any method you’re comfortable with.  

We hope you enjoyed reading this article, and if you did, please share it with your friends and family on your social media. You can follow us on X (formerly Twitter) and Facebook to get regular updates and exciting news.  

Before you go, here are some interesting articles on WordPress live chat plugins and how to create an LMS with WordPress.  

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10 Best Multi-Step Form WordPress Plugins for 2024 (Free + Paid) Tue, 23 Jul 2024 11:13:13 +0000 Are you in search of the best multi-step form WordPress plugin? Well, look no further! We’re here to help. 

A multi-step form divides a long and complex form into simpler ones, showing a few questions at a time. Thus, it provides a better user experience and conversion on lengthy forms. 

However, creating a multi-step form without a great WordPress plugin can be complicated and might require coding knowledge.  

Therefore, we’ve handpicked the 10 best multi-step forms, along with their features and benefits.  

So, let’s start!  

What are the Benefits of Multi-Step Form WordPress Plugin?  

If you have ever filled out a form online, chances are you have already come across a multi-step form. As the name suggests, a multi-step form is a type of form divided into multiple sections. 

And since you want to create a multi-part form, you must know several benefits a multi-step form holds. 

So, all you need is the best multi-step form WordPress plugin to create a multi-step form for your site.

There are various reasons why you need a multi-step form WordPress plugin, which we’ve listed below:  

  • Progress Indication: Multi-step form plugins provide a progress bar or some other visual indication of how far the user has progressed through the form. This can motivate users to complete the form because they can see how much they have left to do.  
  • Conditional Logic: These plugins often come with conditional logic features. This allows the form to adapt based on the user’s responses. For example, if a user answers “yes” to a particular question, another related question might appear. This can make the form more interactive and personalized, increasing engagement and completion rates.  
  • Data Collection and Analysis: Multi-step form plugins provide analytics and reporting features. This can help you understand how users interact with your form, which questions are causing users to drop off, and where there might be opportunities for optimization.  
  • Better Organize Information: These plugins allow you to group related fields, making the form more logical and easier to understand for users.  
  • Integration Capabilities: Most of these plugins are compatible with various third-party applications and services, allowing you to easily integrate your forms with email marketing services, payment gateways, CRM tools, etc.

10 Best Multi-Step Form WordPress Plugins  

Multi-step form WordPress plugins can provide visitors with a more enjoyable, efficient, and effective form-filling experience. 
Hence, we’ve prepared a list of the ten best multi-step forms of WordPress plugins, each with one of the features mentioned above or more. 

Let’s dive in!  

1. Everest Forms

The first plugin we have on our list is Everest Forms. It’s one of the best form builder plugins in the market.

Everest Forms

Hence, anyone, from beginners to tech geniuses, can use it.  

The features of Everest Forms go way beyond, but most importantly, it offers a Multi-Part Form add-on, which is exactly what you need to create a multi-step form in WordPress.  

Hence, with Everest Forms, you can create any form in multiple steps, including job application forms, survey forms, and many more.  

Moreover, you can add a progress bar at the top of your multi-step form to check the form’s progress.  

Key Features of Everest Forms: 

  • Drag and drop form builder  
  • Preview option to see if your form is fully ready  
  • Unlimited for fields  
  • Conditional logic to show/hide form fields   
  • Supports custom CSS  

Customer Support and User Review:  

Everest Forms provides brilliant full-time support on weekdays. You can also get your queries answered within a few hours via the forum.   

Everest Forms is a popular and well-reviewed WordPress plugin. It received an impressive 4.9/5 stars.  

Everest Forms Rating


A free version of Everest Forms allows you to create simple and basic forms. However, you’ll need a pro upgrade for a Multi-Part Form add-on.    

But don’t worry, the multi-part form add-on comes with all the premium plans. The Personal plan for the Everest Forms starts at $48.30/year.  

2. Gravity Forms  

While choosing the best multi-step form WordPress plugins, one should consider Gravity Forms. The plugin allows you to create any form with its drag-and-drop form builder.  

Gravity Forms WordPress Plugin

Next, the plugin also offers various multi-step form templates that are highly customizable and easy to use. It also helps you collect payments or donations using Stripe, PayPal, etc.  

Overall, the plugin provides a better user experience throughout your form-building process.  

Key Features of Gravity Forms:  

  • Hide the submission button if using auto-submit  
  • Responsive design  
  • 100% GDPR compliant  
  • 30+ form fields  
  • Hundreds of actions and filters  

Customer Support and User Review:  

Gravity Forms provides live AI support on its website. Besides you can also open a support ticket for better customer support.   

If you check Gravity Forms’ reviews, it has received 4.6/5 on GetApp.  

Gravity Forms Ratings


Gravity Forms is a premium plugin; thus, you won’t get its free version. The Basic license starts at $59/per year.  

3. WS Form

Create a fantastic multi-step form without breaking a sweat using WS Form. The plugin gives you total freedom to create any online form.  

WS Form Lite Multi-Step Form WordPress Plugin

Pick the page break field and put it between the areas you want on separate pages to make a multi-step form with WS Form.  

Besides, you can also create a highly customizable progress bar to let your visitors know their progress in filling out the form.  

Key Features of WS Form:  

  • Email submission notifications  
  • Multi-language support  
  • Integrated with popular payment gateways like Stripe, PayPal, etc  
  • Advanced validation options like regular expressions, conditional validation, and field validation  
  • Various security options like anti-spam protection, reCAPTCHA integration, and SSL support 

Customer Support and User Review:  

To contact the WS Form team, you can visit their official website. You may post your questions on the forum as well.  

WS Form LITE Rating


You can create simple forms for free but it costs you $59 yearly for multi-part forms.  

4. MetForm

MetForm is another popular WordPress multi-step form builder plugin. The plugin makes it easy to create lengthy forms. 

Metform Multi-Step Form Builder

All you need to do is download the plugin, create a new form, and drop any widget. Then, add a new step/phase, and you’re done.  

Moreover, with MetForm, you can apply a conditional logic feature on your form fields to either hide or show the form fields.  

Key Features of MetForm:  

  • Easy drag-and-drop form builder  
  • Multi-column layout to optimize the use of space on your form  
  • File upload field to upload files directly from the form  
  • Custom CSS for complete control over the form  
  • Built-in spam protection like Google reCAPTCHA  

Customer Support and User Review:  

They provide fully detailed documentation and FAQs. However, if you don’t find a suitable answer, you can use a support ticket form to get help.


Since the multi-part form is a premium feature, you must get the premium upgrade. The Personal plan for the plugin starts at $35.1 per year.  

Metform Ratings

5. Formidable Forms

Formidable Forms are an excellent option for creating a multi-step form. Its drag-and-drop form builder feature grants the flexibility to create any form easily.  

Formidable Forms WordPress Multi-Step Form Builder

Formidable Forms also provides attractive multi-step templates that are easy to customize and set up. You can also create a form from scratch using the page break field.  

Additionally, Formidable Form’s multi-step form feature includes several customization options. These options allow you to create a more user-friendly form that improves the user experience.  

Key Features of Formidable Forms:  

  • A highly customizable progress bar  
  • Allows to show or hide the field through conditional logic  
  • Integrated with several CRM Integration such as Salesforce and Hubspot  
  • Allows you to create surveys and polls  
  • GDPR compliant forms 

Customer Support and User Review:  

You can get quick support for Formidable Forms on the forum. Just post your queries there and get help within 24 hours.    

It has a good number of reviews and scores 4.7/5 stars.  

Formidable Forms Rating


You can download the free version of the plugin from But you need Formidable Form’s premium version to create a multi-step form.  

There are three additional paid plans, where the Basic Plan starts from $39.50 a year.  

6. WPForms

WPForms allows you to create multi-step forms to improve the user experience for longer and more complex forms. This flexible plugin will enable you to create multi-step forms that suit your brand.  

WPForms Multi-Step Form WordPress Plugin

You can customize each page’s page titles, progress bar, and previous/next buttons.  

To do so, click the page break field and go to the Page Break section in the left-hand panel. After that, you can edit the page title, progress bar, and button labels.   

Multi-step forms created by this plugin are responsive and adapt perfectly to any device.  

Key Features of WPForms:

  • Over 100 different pre-built content  
  • Payment integration with PayPal and stripe  
  • Allows you to create user registration and login forms  
  • Customizable form submission notification  
  • Integrated with Zapier  

Customer Support and User Review:    

You can post your queries on the forum and receive answers within a few hours.    

11000+ people have rated this plugin with five stars, and it has received 4.9/5 stars overall.  

WPForms Rating


The multi-page form customization comes with the basic plan of WPForms, which costs you $49.50/year.  

7. Happyforms

One of the best ways to create a multi-step form plugin is by using an upgraded version of Happyforms. It’s so much more than your essential form builder plugin.  


With the plugin’s drag-and-drop functionality, anyone can build full-fledged functionality in the snap of a finger.

Moreover, you can set up online forms with multiple payment gateways and increase sales with coupon codes.   

So, to turn long, tedious forms into multiple steps, one can always rely on Happyforms.  

Key Features of Happyforms:  

  • Gutenberg friendly  
  • 50 style control  
  • Live preview option 
  • Unlimited forms  
  • Signature field   

Customer Support and User Review:  

You can send them notes, and they’ll respond within 24 hours or faster on weekdays. And as for the reviews Happyforms has received 4.4 out of 5 in the WordPress plugin repository.

Happyforms Ratings


You can download the accessible version of Happyforms from, but you’ll need a pro upgrade to build a multi-step form.  

The starter plan costs you only $89 per year.  

8. Jotform

Create professional multi-step forms with zero coding skills using Jotform. It’s an easy-to-use form builder plugin trusted by millions of users.  

Jotform Multi-Step Form WordPress Plugin

With the easy drag-and-drop interface, you can create custom forms for your website or blog using advanced customization tools. Moreover, you can add secure online posts and pages with a single click.   

Similarly, you can set up an email notification to get notified of form submissions and check your form response on any device.  

Key Features of Jotform:  

  • 10000+ free online form templates  
  • Built-in collaboration tools  
  • Password protected  
  • Form submission notification to a URL through Webhooks  
  • Recurring subscriptions  

Customer Support and User Review:  

You can get instant replies to your queries from the forum.   

Jotform has generally received good reviews from its customers. It received 3.5 out of 5 stars.  

Jotform Ratings


The free version of the plugin can help you create simple forms, but to create multi-step conditions, you’ll need a premium upgrade, where the Bronze plan costs you $34/month.  

9. Fluent Forms

Fluent Forms is a popular form builder plugin for WordPress, offering a wide range of features at an affordable price.   

Fluent Forms

The drag-and-drop interface makes the plugin beginner-friendly. Hence, users can create multi-step forms easily and instantly with Fluent Forms.   

Furthermore, you can complete a progress bar to simplify the process for users.   

Overall, WP Fluent Forms is an excellent option for creating high-quality, customized forms for their website.  

Key Features of Fluent Forms:  

  • Various Input fields, from simple name input to customizable text fields, checkboxes, etc. 
  • Form scheduling and restrict form submission  
  • Built-in data analysis tool  
  • File/Image upload  
  • SMS notification  

Customer Support and User Review:  

You can contact Fluent Forms via their live chat service or issue a support ticket regarding your problems.  

Fluent Forms Rating


You’ll require the plugin’s pro version to create a multi-step form. A single-site license will cost you $55 per annum.  

10. Ninja Forms

The multi-step form-building process through Ninja Forms is different. Instead of using a page break field, select the multi-step form option and add elements to other tabs to create your form.   

Ninja Forms WordPress Plugin

Ninja Forms enables you to create unlimited tabs and add as many elements as you need to complete your form.

Creating a form using Ninja Forms is simple, as you can drag and drop elements onto the form canvas to add them to your form.  

If you want to move a field to a different page, drag it to the navigation icon.   

Additionally, you can display breadcrumbs above the form to simplify navigation, and Ninja Forms also offers a progress bar for your multi-step form.  

Key Features of Ninja Forms:

  • Highly customizable  
  • Form submission tracking Google Analytics or other tracking tools  
  • Enables visitors to upload file  
  • Spam protection through reCAPTCHA and Akismet integration  
  • Supports third-party add-ons  

Customer Support and User Review:  

You’ll get excellent support for this plugin from the forum.    

This user-friendly plugin has received 4.3/5 decent reviews from its users.  

Ninja Forms Rating


The free version of Ninja Forms is forever free. However, you must switch to a pro version to create the multi-part form. The premium version of the plugins starts at $99.  

Wrapping It Up!  

Employing multi-step form WordPress plugins enhances the user experience when completing lengthy forms. Hence, do not risk losing potential customers due to a tedious condition on your website.  

Now you must be in a dilemma of which plugin will suit you best.

If so, we suggest using Everest Forms because it provides all the features you need to create a flawless multi-step form. 

We hope you enjoyed reading our posts on the best multi-step WordPress forms. Please spread the word about these fantastic plugins by sharing our posts on your social media platforms.  

Furthermore, we welcome your feedback on these plugins. Did we overlook any other plugins that should be included in the list?   

Feel free to share your suggestions. We’re available on social media platforms like Facebook and X.  

We also have a selection of blogs covering topics like the best Elementor themes for WordPress sites and the best WordPress plugins, which you can explore at your leisure.

How to Change Post Layout in WordPress? (Beginner’s Guide 2024) Mon, 22 Jul 2024 11:39:42 +0000 Want to know how to change the post layout in WordPress? Then, this article is the answer to your question. 

When you create pages and posts in WordPress, they all have the same layout. This might seem monotonous and dull for the visitors.

Hence, we’ve provided a detailed guide on how to change the post layout in WordPress.

So, make sure to read the article till the end.  

Why Change Post Layout in WordPress? 

The default WordPress theme allows you to change the layout of all the posts and pages simultaneously. However, you might want to change the layout of only specific posts and pages. 

For example, you might want your blog post or page to appear unique from the rest on your website. 

Amongst the plethora of options for WordPress themes, Zakra is one of the best free themes that offers a post/page layout change feature.

Besides, Zakra provides more widget areas than any typical theme in the market. It also enables you to change the layout with just a few tweaks. 

Zakra Theme

You can refer to our detailed guide for the Zakra theme installation before you can change the post or page layout.

How to Change a Post/Page Layout in WordPress?

Once you’ve successfully installed and activated the Zakra theme and imported a desired demo, you can follow the steps below to change the post/page layout. 

1) Change Individual Post Layout 

To change the individual post layout, navigate to Posts >> All Posts from your WordPress dashboard.

Post Navigation

Before changing the layout, let’s preview a post on the Zakra Agency demo to see what changes have been made. 

To do so, hover over to any post and click the View option.

View Button

As you can see, the Recent Posts, Categories, and Meta are currently located on the right side. Similarly, the post details and comment box are on the left.  

How to Change Post Layout in WordPress - Default Post

You may want to change this default layout. To do so, you can follow the steps below. 

i) Change Layout 

From the All Posts page, hover over the post you want to change the layout and click the Edit option. 

Edit Layout Button

Next, scroll down, and you’ll find the Page Settings option. From there, navigate to General >> Layout

Post Layout Setting - How to Change the Post Layout in WordPress

There are various layout options you can choose from. They’re discussed below.

  • From Customizer: This option will inherit the layout set from the WordPress customizer.
  • Center: Your post will appear at the center of the page if you choose this layout. 
  • Right Sidebar: If you choose this option, your posts will appear on the right sidebar. 
  • Left Sidebar: With this option, your post will appear on the left sidebar. 
  • Wide: The post appears on the center, but the margin is less, and the post is wider than the Center option. 
  • Full-Width: The content will cover the whole page from left to right without any margin.  

ii) Remove Content Margin 

Enabling this option will remove the margin from the top and bottom. 

Remove Content Margin

iii) Sidebar 

As the name implies, you can change the sidebar of the posts and pages with this option. Also, this option is great for adding more widgets on the sidebar of your page. 

  • Sidebar Right: Choose this option to display the sidebar on the right.
  • Sidebar Left: Enable this option if you want your sidebar at the left.

If you want to add widgets to your sidebar, you can choose between Footer One, Footer Two, Footer Three, and Footer Four

Sidebar Option

Once satisfied with the changes, click the Update button at the top right. You can also see the preview before updating the page or posting. 

Update Button

And, this is how to change the post layout in WordPress in simple steps.

2) Change Individual Page Layout

Correspondingly, Zakra also allows you to change the layout of individual pages. To do so, navigate to Pages >> All Pages from the sidebar menu. 

Page Navigation

Then, scroll down to the Page Settings option and navigate to General >> Layout. All the settings are similar to the post layout settings discussed above. 

Wrapping It Up!

And that’s all about how you can change individual posts and page layouts in WordPress.

Please remember that this is how you can change the post and page layout in Zakra. Different WordPress themes might have other setting options. 

Zakra offers highly customizable free and paid ready-to-import demos. You can customize them as needed, including the post and page layout. Above all, Zakra provides amazing customer support. 

Finally, it’s a wrap.

If you enjoyed reading this article, please remember to share it on social media.

Also, don’t forget to follow us on X and Facebook for future updates. 

How to Add Confirm Password Field in WooCommerce Registration Form? (Easy Guide 2024) Mon, 22 Jul 2024 11:21:28 +0000 Don’t know how to add confirm password field in WooCommerce registration form? Then, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we’ve explained everything you need to know about adding confirm field in the WooCommerce registration field.   

The main importance of adding a confirm password field in WooCommerce is to catch typos mistakes by making the users type their password twice. Using a registration plugin, you can achieve this with ease.  

Therefore, if you want to learn how to add confirm password field in WooCommerce Registration form, make sure to stick with us till the end.    

Choose a WordPress Plugin to Create and Add the WooCommerce Registration Form  

The default WooCommerce registration form doesn’t come with confirm password field option. Hence, you need a third-party form builder plugin to create a custom registration form and add the confirm password field.  

If you’re familiar with WordPress, you must know there’s a plethora of WordPress plugins available. Hence, it’s quite overwhelming to choose the right one.  

The best plugin we can think of is User Registration by WPEverest. It’s one of the best user registration and login form plugins on the web. The plugin offers a drag-and-drop feature. Other than that, it also provides multiple templates to create forms easily.  

User Registration Form Builder Plugin

Some of the highlight features of User Registration are: 

  • Send customized emails to your users 
  • Unlimited form fields 
  • Inbuilt login form  
  • Spam protection  
  • Import and export forms  
  • Smart conditional logic 

With that said, let’s begin the step-by-step process on how to add confirm password field in WooCommerce registration form. 

Add Confirm Password Field in WooCommerce Registration Form 

1. Install and Activate the User Registration Pro Plugin 

To add the confirm password field in WooCommerce registration form, you need to install the pro version of User Registration.

For that, visit the official User Registration website and click on the Pricing tab to choose a plan suitable for you. After the payment process is complete, you’ll get an invoice in your mail. You’ll also find the link to log in to your WPEverest user account.  

Once you’ve logged in to your user account, download the zipped file of User Registration Pro from the Downloads tab.  

Download User Registration

Now, log in to the WordPress dashboard and navigate to Plugins >> Add New.  

Navigation Add New Plugins

Thereafter, click on the Upload Plugin button. Choose the zipped file of User Registration, Install, and lastly, Activate it.  

User Registration Upload Video

Setup Wizard will appear as soon as the plugin is activated. You can either Get Started, or Create a First Form, or Skip to Dashboard.  

Setup Wizard

If you click on Get Started option, the plugin allows you to automatically install the Registration and My Account pages. Apart from that, you can configure General Settings. Under this option, you can enable the Anyone Can Register, set User Login Option, and choose whom to Prevent dashboard access.  

Anyone Can Register

One of the most convenient features of User Registration is enabling the Anyone Can Register option right from the setup wizard. You don’t need to enable this option from the WordPress dashboard separately. Moreover, enabling this option allows your users to register to your website from the front end.  

Other than that, the plugin allows you to configure Registration, Login, and My Account settings. The configuration on these options will be applied to all the settings of forms you create later.  

At the Final Step of the setup process, three options are available – Create New Form, Edit Default Form, or Go to Dashboard

Go To Dashboard

As the name suggests, Create New Form will take you directly to the form builder page. And if you choose Edit Default Form, you can edit the form provided by the plugin.  

For now, let’s Go to Dashboard. You’ll see a message Please enter your license key at the top. Click on the message and enter the license key that you can find under the License Key tab on your user account. Hit the Activate License button to finally activate the plugin.

Activate License

2. Install and Activate WooCommerce Add-on 

After the successful installation of User Registration Pro, you’re required to install the WooCommerce Add-on as well. Simply navigate to User Registration >> Extensions.  

WooCommerce Extension

Search for the WooCommerce Integration addon, hover over it, and hit the Install Addon button.  

3. Create a New WooCommerce Registration Form  

The next step on how to add confirm password field in WooCommerce registration form is to create a new WooCommerce registration form. Click on User Registration >> Add New

Add New Form

Two default fields – User Email and User Password are already available. Further, you can add WooCommerce fields in your form. If you scroll down, you can see WooCommerce Billing Address and WooCommerce Shipping Address section. Don’t forget to name your form as well.   

All you need to do is drag the field of your choice and drop it on the form. You can add as many fields as you want.  

Add Confirm Password Field on WooCommerce Registration Form 

To add the confirm password field, go to the Default User Fields section. There you’ll find the Confirm Password field. Drag the field and drop it on the form as shown in the above step.  

Add Confirm Field

Customize Form Settings 

The User Registration plugin allows you to customize your form through the Field Options section as per your requirement.  

You can edit the Label, Description, Field Name, Placeholder, and Hide Label. Further, you can also decide whether you want to make a field Required or not. On the Advance Settings option, you can add Custom Class.  

Field Options

Click on the Create Form button located at the top right. And that’s how you can create and customize a WooCommerce registration form with a Confirm Password field. 

You can also Preview to see how your form looks and make changes if you’re not satisfied. However, don’t forget to click on the Update Form button to save the necessary changes.  

4. Configure Registration Form Settings 

You need to configure form settings to finally make your form ready before publishing. Open the Form Setting tab. There are two options you can configure – General and Extras.  

Form Settings

We’ve configured most of the settings at the beginning after the activation of the plugin. Hence, you don’t need to configure those settings. Additionally, you can set up other setting options such as add custom CSS class, enable Captcha support, etc.  

5. Replace Default WooCommerce Registration Form with Custom Form 

Till now we’ve created a WooCommerce form, customized it, and configured essential settings. Next thing is to replace the default WooCommerce registration form with the custom form we just created.  

So, how do we do that? It’s simple: click on the Settings option under the WooCommerce tab. Select the Account & Privacy tab and scroll down to the Account Creation section. Next, tick the checkbox for Allow customers to create an account on the “My Account” page option.  

WooCommerce Settings

Further, go to User Registration >> Settings and open the WooCommerce tab. Then, choose the custom WooCommerce registration form we created earlier. Don’t forget to select the Replace registration page and Save Changes.  

Replace Registration Page

6. Publish The Form on Your Website  

We’re at the end step of adding extra fields to the WordPress registration form. In order to make the form visible to your users, you need to publish your form.  

Go to the page/post where you want to display the form. Click on the Plus [+] icon and search for User Registration.  

How to Add Confirm Password Field in WooCommerce Registration Form

Next, select the form you created earlier from the dropdown. Finally, click on the Publish button located at the top right. 

This is how your form will look if you preview it.  

Form Preview

PS: This is how the form looks if you install Zakra theme.

Wrapping It Up! 

And that’s all about how to add a confirm password field in the WooCommerce registration form.  

If you follow these steps, adding a confirm password field in your WooCommerce registration form won’t be a problem at all.  

Before you go, here are some of the important articles on how to easily create breadcrumbs in WordPress for SEO and how to change post layouts in WordPress.  

Finally, it’s a wrap. Hope you enjoyed reading this article and if you did, why not share it on your social media?

You can also follow us on Twitter and Facebook to get regular updates and exciting news.  

23 Best Elementor Themes for WordPress Sites in 2024 Sun, 07 Jul 2024 12:07:12 +0000 Are you looking for the best Elementor themes for your WordPress website? Look no further! 

Elementor is a WordPress page builder plugin that lets you easily design your website using its intuitive drag-and-drop interface.

While it works with most WordPress themes, some are made specifically to enhance Elementor’s capabilities. These themes are called Elementor themes.

However, with so many Elementor themes available, finding the one that best suits your website may be difficult.

That’s why we’ve handpicked the 23 best Elementor themes for your WordPress website. You need to choose the one that suits you best. Let’s dive in!

Top Picks


Zakra Official Logo

Sticky & Transparent Header

Scroll to Top Button

Variety of Container Layouts

Paginations Available


ColorMag Theme Logo

Upto 6 Header Layouts

Dedicated Sidebar

Social Share Button

Paginations Available


Spacious Theme Logo

Slider With Unlimited Slides

600+ Google Fonts

30+ Font Size/Color Options

WooCommerce Cart Icon


Hestia Logo Icon

Transparent Header

White Labeling

Pre-built Frontpage Sections

Comes With Mega Menu


Astra Theme Icon

Spacing Control

Hooks & Filters

4 Site Layouts

Conditional Display


Elementor Logo
Hello Elementor

RTL Ready

100+ Elementor Widgets


Drag and Drop Editor

What are the Elementor Themes? (Introduction)

As stated above, Elementor is undeniably one of WordPress’s most popular and best page builder plugins.  

With its simple drag-and-drop interface, you can effortlessly build stunning landing pages and even the entire website.  

Elementor Page Builder Plugin - Elementor WordPress Theme

On the other hand, the Elementor theme is a WordPress theme that’s compatible with Elementor. It’s optimized to work seamlessly with the Elementor plugin.  

Combining WordPress Elementor themes with Elementor allows you to get the maximum benefits when building your WordPress site.  

WordPress Elementor themes offer features such as page-level controls, importable demo sites built with Elementor, etc. 

Moreover, the Elementor theme allows you to control website styles, such as colors and fonts. As a result, creating a well-designed website is easier and time-saving. 

Hence, WordPress Elementor themes are built specifically to enhance Elementor’s features.

How to Choose the Best Elementor WordPress Theme?

Many Elementor themes are available on the market that can help you create a beautiful and functional website.

However, you must consider some important features to pick the most suitable one. Let’s look at them! 

  • Designed specifically for Elementor: Choosing a theme built specifically for the Elementor page builder will give you the best results. 
  • Design and layout of the theme: Always look for WordPress themes that matches the design you’ve thought of. It should also have a layout that makes sense for your website’s content. 
  • Performance optimization: The theme should be lightweight, fast-loading, and responsive for a great user experience.
  • Customer support: Look for a theme backed by a reliable developer with a good track record of customer support.
  • Customization options: The best Elementor WordPress themes will give you plenty of customization options. There’s no need for coding or technical expertise.
  • Theme reviews and ratings: Check out what other users say about the theme. The theme you’re going to try must have positive reviews and high ratings.
  • Budget: While many free Elementor themes are available, paid WordPress themes often offer more advanced features and customization options. Thus, determine your budget and choose a theme that meets your needs.

Considering the above factors, you can choose the best Elementor WordPress theme for your website. 

23 Best Elementor Themes for Your WordPress Website

Now, let’s discuss some of the best WordPress Elementor themes. You can carefully read about each of them and decide which one to use. 

1. Zakra

Zakra Theme Demo Site as One of the Best Elementor Themes

Starting off with probably one of the best themes for Elementor, the Zakra theme. A highly secure, responsive, lightweight, and SEO-friendly WordPress theme with powerful features and options to customize the theme as you wish.

Zakra has 100+ demos in its library, including a bunch created with Elementor, designed to create a site for any niche. You can import the demo to your site with just a click and, later, personalize it to tailor it to your needs. This includes typography, color options, and many other features.

Key Features:

Price: Freemium (Premium version costs $52/year)

2. ColorMag

ColorMag Demo Site - WordPress Elementor Themes

ColorMag is one of the WordPress Elementor themes that comes with a fully responsive design. It’s the #1 most popular magazine-newspaper style theme for WordPress. You can easily create a blog, magazine, or any publishing site using it.

You can choose from various customization options, like color schemes, fonts, layouts, etc. It’s a fully Elementor-friendly theme with modules for Elementor. You can choose any demo you prefer from 20+ ready-to-use Elementor demos and import it with just one click.  

Key Features:

  • Compatible with WooCommerce
  • News Ticker for posts
  • Upto 3 footer area styles
  • Multiple widget areas
  • OpenWeatherMap and Google Maps API integration

Price: Freemium (Premium version costs $52/year)

3. Spacious

Spacious Demo Site - Elementor WordPress theme

Spacious is a small business WordPress theme that is best for any business website or online store. It’s a theme with custom widgets and multiple widget areas. Also, its multiple colors, primary color, and category color options make the theme highly customizable.

It’s one of the best themes for Elementor, with 30+ ready-to-use demos that can be imported with a single click. It’s optimized for speed to ensure your website’s high performance. Moreover, its search engine is optimized and compatible with major browsers.  

Key Features:

  • Loads under 1 second
  • Offers advanced typography
  • Layout option for WooCommerce pages
  • Responsive design
  • Friendly dependable support

Price: Freemium (Premium version costs $52/year)

4. Hestia

Hestia Pro Demo Site - WordPress Theme

Hestia is a single-page Elementor theme suitable for any business. It’s stylish and comes with modern WordPress Elementor templates. With this theme, you get access to all starter sites, which you can import with a single click.

Its homepage is fully customizable and easy to reorder. Moreover, the live customizer feature lets you change the look of your website and view it in real time. You also get access to powerful, responsive mega menus to arrange the submenu content.      

Key Features:

  • Custom layout builder available
  • Translation and RTL ready
  • SEO-friendly
  • Advanced blog options
  • WooCommerce design ready

Price: Freemium (Premium version starts from $69/year)

5. Astra

Astra Theme Demo - Elementor WordPress Theme

Astra is one of the best free WordPress themes available on the market. You don’t need any coding knowledge to change the theme’s design. The theme can be easily modified using the options available in the WordPress Customizer.  

This Elementor-recommended theme has pre-built website demos. You can choose one of them, which will reduce your website design time. With Astra, you have the freedom to design and create a full-width page by turning off the page title and sidebar.

Key Features:

  • Requires less than 50KB of resources
  • Self-hosted Google Fonts
  • Multiple in-built header and footer options are available
  • Hooks and filters
  • Dedicated sidebar for pages

Price: Freemium (Premium version starts from $49/year)

6. Hello Elementor

Hello Elementor Theme Demo - Elementor Template

Hello Elementor is the official Elementor WordPress theme developed by the creators of Elementor. It’s specifically designed to pair with Elementor’s building functionality. Using it, you can improve the rate of conversion as it’ll load your landing pages faster. 

It’s fast and lightweight, as it doesn’t have heavy styling or scripts. As a responsive theme, it fits the web pages of any device. Moreover, it’s fully compatible with popular WordPress plugins. It’s SEO-friendly and ensures the website’s better performance. 

Key Features:

  • Loads in 1/4 second
  • 100+ ready-made designs available
  • Requires only 6KB of resources
  • Developer-friendly code
  • WooCommerce builder available

Price: Freemium (Premium version costs $9.99/month)

7. OceanWP

OceanWP Demo Site - WordPress Theme

OceanWP is a multipurpose WordPress theme suitable for any kind of website, including businesses, eCommerce, blogs, portfolios, etc. This theme works well with all kinds of screens, including mobile and tablet, without compromising performance.

It’s a lightweight, high-speed theme that helps the website load faster. Moreover, it has various customization features, such as a native cart popup, floating add-to-cart bar, off-canvas filter, quick view, etc.

Key Features:

  • Global fonts and typography available
  • Offers multiple customizable header styles
  • WooCommerce compatible
  • Top bar and social menu available
  • Visibility control for the devices

Price: Freemium (Premium version starts from $35/year)

8. GeneratePress

Generate Press Demo Site - WordPress Elementor Theme

GeneratePress offers a large number of performance-focused WordPress Elementor templates. The theme is secure and stable and uses the latest coding standards. Being a lightweight theme, it focuses on speed, usability, and accessibility.

You can easily adjust the color and typography of the theme directly in the Customizer. You can also use the layout of your website both on desktop and mobile. Moreover, it’s also plugin-compatible, which lets you add extra features. 

Key Features:

  • 60+ color controls
  • Translated into over 25 languages
  • 100% PageSpeed scores
  • Uses valid HTML/CSS
  • Powerful dynamic typography

Price: Freemium (Premium version starts from $59/year)

9. Sydney

Sydney Demo Site - WordPress Theme

Sydney is a powerful business theme for WordPress. It offers the fastest way for companies or freelancers to create beautiful websites. With this theme, you’ll have access to various customization options, such as color control, layout control, logo upload, and so on.

It comes with custom Elementor blocks that can be used to customize the website’s homepage and make it unique. A theme customizer can also help you customize your front page and blog layout.

Key Features:

  • Multiple footer layouts are available
  • Allows to assign different sidebars to each page
  • Easy to modify side-wide fonts
  • Custom Elementor blocks
  • Parallax backgrounds

Price: Freemium (Premium version starts from $59/year)

10. Neve

Neve Demo Site - Elementor Theme

Neve is another powerful Elementor theme suitable for long-standing businesses. Using it, you can create a professional-looking website in just a few minutes, as it’s flexible and easy to use.

With Neve, you can access 30+ ready-to-import starter sites made with Elementor. Being a lightweight theme, Neve loads in less than 1 second and is 28 KB in size. Moreover, it’s fully customizable, easy to set up, and beginner-friendly.

Key Features:

  • Custom design for header and footer
  • Mobile and AMP compatible
  • Global color palettes available
  • Website layout options
  • Enhanced WooCommerce

Price: Freemium (Premium version starts from $69/year)

11. Rife

Rife Theme Demo Site - Elementor Theme

Rife is another WordPress Elementor theme that is great for portfolios and photography websites. This creative multipurpose theme is also perfect for websites like business, blogging, and eCommerce. 

It has various features like a writing effect, one-page mode, mega menus, mobile/touch-friendly images, and so on. You can also control the detailed style and layout of the theme through the WordPress customizer. Moreover, there are 450+ options for changing the website design in the customizer. 

Key Features:

  • A hidden sidebar is available
  • RTL and translation ready
  • Google Fonts are available
  • WooCommerce compatible
  • 7 ready-to-use demo layouts

Price: Freemium (Premium version costs $400/year)

12. Phlox

Phlox Demo Site - WordPress Theme

Phlox is a WooCommerce theme perfect for any website. It’s a lightweight and customizable WordPress theme for blogging, business, portfolios, food, restaurants, travel, and more. 

It has 30 exclusive widgets and elements. It’s a fully responsive and translation-ready theme with professional portfolio features. Moreover, it’s SEO-friendly and helps boost your website’s ranking in the search engine. It’s also reliable, as the updates are regular and up-to-date. 

Key Features:

  • 19 pre-built demo sites
  • 100% GDPR compliance
  • Reliable with regular theme updates
  • WPML ready
  • Excellent support

Price: Freemium (Premium version costs $39 on ThemeForest)

13. Deep

Deep Theme Demo - WordPress Theme

The next theme on our list of best Elementor themes is Deep. It offers various features to customize your website. Being a super responsive theme, it emphasizes responsive web design.

This theme offers numerous features, such as a visual footer builder, advanced mega menu, live customizer, and extensive and practical theme options to customize the theme and improve the website’s speed.

Key Features:

  • Multiple special widgets are available
  • Adaptive images
  • Visual header and footer builder
  • Offers advanced mega menu
  • 28+ free demos

Price: Freemium (Premium version starts from $39 for a single site)

14. Storefront 

Storefront Theme Demo Site

Storefront is the official free WooCommerce theme. It’s a flexible theme that is compatible with Elementor. Due to its responsive design, the theme works uniformly across all screen sizes.

It has a clean and simple design and can be customized easily according to your needs. You can modify its design using a WordPress customizer, a custom plugin, or a child theme. It also has a flexible and nestable grid system that helps enhance SEO performance

Key Features:

  • WooCommerce integration
  • Offers eCommerce-focused homepage
  • Fully responsive
  • Accessibility ready
  • Adequate display options

Price: Free

15. Blocksy

Blocksy Demo Site

Blocksy is the most innovative free WordPress theme. It’s lightweight and fast, and it provides ultra performance. It’s fully responsive and offers a good user experience to mobile users as well. Using this theme, you can customize every corner of your website.

You get control over the layout settings, header, footer, sidebar, etc. You can also change your website’s color, background, and typography and modify its look. Moreover, it’s translation-ready and can be easily translated into any language.

Key Features:

  • Dark mode is available for customizer
  • eCommerce ready
  • Advanced customization options
  • Range of predefined color palettes
  • 5+ header elements

Price: Freemium (Premium version starts from $69/year)

16. Total

Total - WordPress Elementor Themes

Total is a free Elementor-based WordPress theme. It’s fully customizable to enable you to design the best professional or corporate websites. Further, the one-click demo installation ensures that all the essential elements are set up on your website.

With 30+ custom Elementor widgets and 10+ section blocks, you can insert different contents to the theme to make it presentable. The theme has more to offer with the Elementor extender that further allows your theme to look more presentable with the animations and effects available. 

Key Features:

  • Fully customizable header options
  • Inbuilt mega menu 
  • WPML and translation ready 
  • Fully Woocommerce compatible
  • One-click demo installation

Price: Freemium (Premium version costs $69)

17. Kava

Kava Theme Demo

Kava is a clear and light WordPress theme that can be paired with Elementor to build a website. It’s also a powerful blogging theme that’s fully customizable. You can change the theme styles and scripts to modify the look of your website.  

This theme has 50 stylish blog page layouts and fully flexible single-post layouts. All of its layouts and demos are responsive, working uniformly across all types of screens. Moreover, the theme is absolutely free.

Key Features:

  • 100+ hooks are available
  • WooCommerce compatible
  • 30+ versatile demos
  • Translation and RTL ready
  • Developer-friendly

Price: Free 

18. JupiterX

JupiterX Demo Site as One of the Best Elementor Themes

JupiterX is one of the best themes for Elementor, offering high speed and performance. It’s also one of the advanced WooCommerce themes with visual editors, which allow you to customize every part. Jupiter offers a pixel-perfect design and unlimited header possibilities.

Using this theme, you can show different layouts in different website sections. Furthermore, you can build your own magazine blog using exclusive layouts. You also get access to billions of portfolio styles that you can easily customize with real-time previews. 

Key Features:

  • Offers numerous page section templates
  • Google and Adobe fonts are available
  • 100+ page block templates
  • Unique header and footer per page
  • Mega menu builder

Price: The theme costs $59 on ThemeForest

19. Page Builder Framework

Page Builder Framework Theme

Page Builder Framework is a fast, lightweight, and highly customizable WordPress theme. It’s flexible and extensible, making it suitable for creating any type of website, such as a blogging or agency site.

Its WordPress Elementor templates are fully mobile responsive and work best on any device. Their minimalist design features make them widely used by experts and professionals. Moreover, you can also integrate them with eCommerce sites like WooCommerce and Easy Digital Downloads

Key Features:

  • Hosted on GitHub
  • GDPR complaint
  • Accessibility ready
  • Follows latest web standard
  • Offers advanced typography settings

Price: Freemium (Premium version costs $58/year)

20. Customify

Customify Demo Site

Customify is a lightweight, responsive, and flexible multi-purpose theme designed with SEO and usability in mind. It has a true WYSIWYG header and footer builder. You can easily build a customized header or footer to provide a good user experience on all devices and platforms.  

The theme can be used to build any type of website, such as a shop, corporate, business agency, portfolio, and more. Besides, the theme is compatible with most plugins, such as bbPress, BuddyPress, Yoast, etc.

Key Features:

  • Responsive edit modes are available 
  • Fast and friendly support 
  • Unlimited typography settings 
  • Allows to add breadcrumb functionality  
  • Excellent WooCommerce support 

Price: Freemium (Premium version starts from $59/year)

21. Avas

Avas Theme Demo

Avas is another multi-purpose WordPress theme that is ready for any site, whether it is a business, corporate, or agency one. It has over 55 ready-to-import demos you can install with a single click. The templates are also super-fast and lightweight.  

Its options panel, built with the Redux framework, allows users to customize the theme without requiring coding knowledge. In addition, it has over 60 ready-to-use Elementor widgets. Best of all, the theme also supports dark mode.  

Key Features:

  • Built with Twitter Bootstrap 
  • Smooth parallax effect 
  • Fully integrates Contact Form 7  
  • Responsive sticky header with a menu 
  • Includes Elementor Cross domain copy-paste module 

Price: The theme costs $29 on ThemeForest 

22. Bifrost

Bitfrost Demo Site

Bifrost is a clean and minimal WordPress theme created for Elementor. It lets you create an interactive header and footer using Elementor elements. You can also save your designs as templates and reuse them on other pages.  

Its one-click demo importer is equally handy for importing any demos. Further, everything on the theme is highly responsive. It also offers a powerful grid layout with many options like style, spacing, and more.   

Key Features:

  • Parallax scrolling effects 
  • Ready to be translated into any language 
  • Allows for embedding Google Map  
  • Shape dividers for creating layouts
  • Advanced options for the menu item 

Price: The theme costs $59 on ThemeForest

23. Ashe

Ashe - Best Themes for Elementor

Lastly, let us introduce you to Ashe, an extraordinary WordPress theme for your blog journey with Elementor. There are several demos to help you create the perfect site to showcase your life events. Among them is also a demo to display advertisements for a few extra bucks.

Ashe boasts customizable options that allow you to change almost every aspect of your site, including page layouts, colors, backgrounds, and so much more. The theme is also WooCommerce compatible, so selling your merchandise is a piece of cake.

Key Features:

  • Featured slider to highlight your recent posts
  • Translation ready
  • Contact Form 7 support
  • Multi-level sub menu
  • Sticky navigation

Price: Freemium (Premium version starts from $29)

Difference Between Elementor Themes and WordPress Themes

As mentioned above, Elementor is a WordPress page builder. It allows users to design and customize websites without any coding knowledge.  

While Elementor and WordPress themes are used for website design, they have some key differences. 

Elementor Themes: 

  • They are designed specifically to be used with the Elementor page builder 
  • They include pre-designed templates and widgets that are optimized to use with Elementor 
  • They focus on providing design flexibility and customization options through the use of Elementor’s page builder 
  • They often require less coding knowledge and technical expertise to create a unique and professional-looking website 

WordPress Themes: 

  • They can be used with any page builder, including Elementor 
  • They include templates for different page builders, including Elementor, Gutenberg, Beaver Builder, etc.
  • They provide a more comprehensive set of features, including design options, site templates, etc. It also includes functionalities such as e-commerce, social media integration, etc. 
  • They often come with regular updates and support from the theme’s developer 

In short, the Elementor themes are designed specifically to be used with the Elementor page builder.  

Conversely, WordPress themes are mostly made to be compatible with most page builders, including Elementor. 

You can choose any theme depending on your website design goals, level of technical expertise, and desired features and functionality. 

Wrapping It Up! 

So, these are the best themes for Elementor that you can use to build your website. 

All of them are compatible with Elementor, helping you effortlessly create a stunning website. You can choose one according to your requirements and budget. 

If you want us to pick a winner, we would definitely go with Zakra. It’s perfect for every website and user, from beginners to experts.  

Furthermore, it offers multiple pricing plans, ranging from free to premium. 

In case you’re wondering, we’ve prepared an article on Gutenberg vs. Elementor and the best Elementor addons and extensions. If you need help, take a look here.

If you want to learn more about WordPress and its associated products and features, check out our blog page.  

We provide many articles, including WordPress portfolio themes and AI plugins.

Also, don’t forget to share this article with your friends on social media to help them explore new possibilities.   

Lastly, you can follow us on X (formerly Twitter) and Facebook for our latest updates.  

]]> 0 2019
9 Best Elementor Alternatives for Designing Stunning Websites in 2024 Mon, 10 Jun 2024 09:03:07 +0000 Looking for Elementor alternatives to build fascinating websites? If so, your search ends here!

We’ve prepared an amazing list of the best Elementor alternatives for you to explore. 

While Elementor is one of the best page builders, there are a few alternatives to it that can help you build faster and more performance-optimized websites.

Other factors, such as budget and design, could also cause you to look for alternatives. So, hang tight with us until the end, and you’ll find the perfect match for you. 

For those who are in a hurry, here are our top picks for elementor alternatives.

Top Picks


Divi Theme Icon

Undo, Redo & Revise

200+ Website Demos

Hover State Styling

Import/Export Elements


BlockArt Blocks Logo
BlockArt Blocks

Responsive Blocks

Fast Performance

Frequent Updates

One-click Demo Import


SeedProd Logo

Draft Mode For Site

20+ Color Schemes

45+ Animations

Subscriber Management

What Should You Look for in an Elementor Alternative? 

Elementor is a popular page builder plugin for creating websites. As of this article’s writing, it has over 5 million active installations, which proves its competence alone.

However, some of its drawbacks, such as cost, complex design, performance, and others, might lead you to consider seeking alternatives.

Several factors matter when looking for the right page builder plugin. Similarly, while looking for Elementor alternatives, the below-mentioned points should be considered for your search: 

  • Ease of use: Elementor isn’t that hard to use. But it’s not everyone’s cup of tea, too. If that’s the case, you should switch to an easier page builder plugin. 
  • Performance and features: Better performance and features should always be the top choices. Hence, if you sense the page builder plugin has better performance and features, try exploring that. 
  • Pricing: Elementor is a freemium page builder plugin. Although the premium version is cheap, you can always find other cheaper alternatives to elementor. 

9 Best Elementor Alternatives to Explore 

By keeping in mind the above and other factors, you can easily find the ideal alternative to Elementor. For now, let’s go through our list of best elementor alternatives.

We have also mentioned the key features of each plugin so that you can review them all before choosing the right WordPress plugin.

1. Divi 

Let’s start things off with an amazing alternative to Elementor, the Divi page builder plugin.

Divi - Alternative to Elementor

Customization options include styling for font, text, color, and much more. You may also configure transformation and effects for elements on your page.

Divi makes working easier. You can select and edit elements in bulk, replace styles across the entire page or specific locations, copy and paste styles, etc.

The plugin is translated into over 30 languages, allowing people of different language backgrounds to easily access your site.

Key Features:

  • Divi AI for content generation and image optimization
  • Header and footer builder
  • Feature-rich contact form builder
  • Sticky headers and stacking content
  • Shape dividers to build transition effects

Pricing: Starts from $89/year

You can also explore alternatives to Divi through our article.

2. BlockArt Blocks 

BlockArt Blocks isn’t just a page builder plugin. It dabbles with the Gutenberg editor, which is probably one of the easiest ways to create websites

BlockArt Blocks - Free Elementor Alternatives

The plugin comes with powerful Gutenberg blocks to help you effortlessly create websites of any niche. 

Talking about ease, you can customize blocks by dragging and dropping them onto your page. You can even copy and paste a block’s style to avoid hassles. 

It’s one of the best free Elementor alternatives. Try it to streamline your site creation process.

Key Features: 

  • Over 25 blocks are available 
  • Optimized for performance and SEO
  • Pre-built templates and sections 
  • Compatible with the best WordPress themes and plugins 
  • Easy to add Google Maps with the block

Pricing: Freemium (Premium version starts from $55/year for unlimited websites.)

3. SeedProd 

With almost over a million active installations, SeedProd is a popular page builder plugin and an excellent alternative to Elementor for creating awesome websites. 

SeedProd - Elementor Alternatives

The renowned page builder has a built-in theme for you to build your site like a designer without being one. You may create your own header, footer, sidebar, etc.

SeedProd was originally known as one of the best landing page builders. Believe us, it still is. There are dozens of landing page templates if you want to get your hands on one of them.

SeedProd offers many blocks, including WooCommerce, to accelerate and ease the site creation process.

Key Features: 

  • Spam protection 
  • Built-in coming soon, maintenance, & 404 pages 
  • Unlimited font combinations 
  • Mobile friendly 
  • Layout navigation to rearrange parts of your site easily 

Pricing: Freemium (Premium version starts from $39.50/year for a single website.)

4. SiteOrigin 

Known for its powerful yet simple-to-use interface, SiteOrigin is an amazing alternative to Elementor. 

SiteOrigin - Elementor Alternatives

The plugin offers you a live editing option to design your website better, allowing you to adjust your content placement effectively. 

If you’re into adding widgets to create pages for your site, SiteOrigin is your go-to plugin. It’s integrated with plugins that add more widgets for you. 

It’s regularly updated to ensure your site keeps up with modern trends. Additionally, the support team is quite friendly and helpful. 

Key Features:

  • Row, cell, and widget styling
  • Option to add custom CSS and classes
  • SEO friendly
  • Redo and undo options are available to explore designs
  • Drag and drop page builder

Pricing: Freemium (Premium version starts from $29/year for a single website.)

5. Beaver Builder

Beaver Builder is a highly versatile, robust, and easy-to-use alternative to Elementor.

Beaver Builder - Alternative to Elementor

It’s lightweight, SEO-friendly, and optimized for maximum speed and performance.

One amazing feature of the Beaver Builder plugin is the ability to allow users to save components of your page to reuse them, reducing redundant tasks.

The plugin also comes with pre-designed templates that you can use without having to start creating your site from scratch. However, the templates are available on the premium version.

Key Features:

  • Full-width, column-based layouts
  • Photo, color, and video row backgrounds
  • Collections of icons to implement on your site
  • Ability to set your own custom widths for different devices
  • Assign elements to hide/show on different devices

Pricing: Freemium (Premium version starts from $99/year.)

Also, read our article on Divi vs. Beaver Builder for further comparison.

6. Brizy

Next on our list is the Brizy page builder plugin, one of the best free Elementor alternatives.

Brizy - Elementor Alternative

The plugin has earned quite a reputation for its AI website builder, which creates a site for you. To do this, you fill in the type of site, its name, and a few more details.

Brizy also allows you to effortlessly take full control over the uploaded images, including focusing, zooming, and resizing, without any image optimization plugin.

You may also change the styles globally, adding the same properties to the elements.

Key Features:

  • White labeling is available
  • Different animations, including Lottie animations, on-entry effects, etc.
  • 40+ shape dividers to add transition effects between content
  • 25+ elements to create content
  • Clutter-free builder

Pricing: Freemium (Premium version starts from $189/year for a single website.)

Explore more through our article on Elementor vs. Brizy.

7. WPBakery

WP Bakery is one of the best Elementor alternatives due to its vast pool of features, easy workflow, and integrations.

WPBakery - Best Elementor Alternatives

The page builder boasts of its AI that creates quality content for your website, generates beautiful CSS and JS codes, translates your site to other languages, and much more.

The plugin allows you to save designs and layouts as templates, so you can always reuse them on any page or post.

Most importantly, WPBakery is compatible with WooCommerce for online stores and Yoast SEO to optimize your site SEO.

Key Features:

  • Frontend & backend editors
  • 40+ predefined grid templates
  • Parallax background for rows and columns
  • Supports multiple languages
  • Compatible with social share plugins

Pricing: The plugin costs $64 on

Read our detailed comparison of WPBakery Page Builder vs. Elementor

8. Visual Composer

Visual Composer is another one of many free Elementor alternatives with a drag-and-drop editing feature.

Visual Composer - Free Elementor Alternatives

The plugin includes content elements, templates, add-ons, integrations, and endless design options to create sites in any niche.

Without any additional lightbox plugins, you can allow users to open images and videos with a lightbox. The element will appear as a pop-up that goes over the website, highlighting the media file.

In the premium upgraded version, you’ll find options to manage user roles on your website, allowing specific access to people.

Key Features:

  • Popup builder
  • Responsive design
  • Maintenance mode without additional maintenance plugins
  • Lazy loading for media files
  • Box shadow option on rows and columns

Pricing: Freemium (Premium version starts from $49/year for a single website.)

9. BoldGrid

Lastly, BoldGrid is a powerful Elementor alternative. Its easy-to-use interface and powerful features and options attract users.

BoldGrid - Elementor Alternative

The page builder is optimized for speed and performance, resulting in fast page loading times.

Adding animations is also never a hassle with BoldGrid, as you can add effects while the user scrolls down your page.

In addition, you can create dynamic content by assigning a set of contents to be displayed while hovering.

Key Features:

  • Google Maps is available
  • Parallax effects
  • Google fonts are available
  • Content and section sliders
  • Advanced control for every element

Pricing: Freemium (Premium version costs $30/year.)

Some FAQs Related to Elementor Alternatives

Should I Purchase the Free or Premium Elementor Alternative Plugin?

It depends on your budget. The free plugins aren’t bad, either. We suggest you try one of the freemium plugins, explore its free version, and get the premium version if it seems right.

What’s Your Recommendation From This List?

Our recommendation is the BlockArt Blocks plugin if you’re into building your websites with blocks. The plugin makes it really easy for you to create your site in just minutes.

Is Elementor Not a Good Page Builder Plugin?

Elementor is, of course, a good page builder plugin. In fact, it’s one of the best ones you’ll find. Over 5 million active installations prove it. However, people also have different tastes for everything. So, looking for an alternative to elementor is not a harm at all.

What Themes Might Go Better with the Gutenberg Page Builder?

There are a lot of themes on the market that are compatible with the Gutenberg page builder. We suggest Zakra and ColorMag. If you want to explore a few more options, here’s an article on the best WordPress Gutenberg themes.

Concluding with the Best Elementor Alternatives!

We’ve finally reached the end of this article. We’re confident that you’ve found the right match as an alternative to Elementor among these nine on our list.

Except for Divi, all the other plugins are free Elementor alternatives. So, if you’re on a tight budget, we advise you to review the rest of the plugins.

The winner for us is the BlockArt Blocks plugin, an amazing Gutenberg plugin with almost everything you need to create a site.

If you want to know more about it, here’s an article on the introduction to BlockArt Blocks.

Check out other informative articles on our blog if you’ve got time on your hands.

Happy website-building!

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30 Best WordPress Plugins for Blogs for Effective Blogging! Mon, 06 May 2024 11:07:45 +0000 Looking for the best WordPress plugins for blogs? Then, this article is just the thing for you.

Blogs are one of the most popular and important elements of websites, as they help you promote your business and interact with visitors.

But you’ll need to make them as effective as possible, which can be done with WordPress blog plugins. They help add a wide variety of functionalities equally to your blogs.

Thus, this article lists some of the best WordPress blog plugins for an effective blogging experience. Let’s start!

Are you in a hurry? Well, here are our top picks for the best WordPress plugins for blogs!

Top Picks


Everest Forms Logo Icon
Everest Forms

Pre-designed Forms

AI Contact Form

Survey, Poll, and Quiz

Email Marketing Integrations


BlockArt Blocks Logo
BlockArt Blocks

Integration with Google Maps

Customizable Social Sharing

Pre-built Sections and Templates

Performance & SEO Optimized


Yoast WooCommerce SEO Plugin Logo
Yoast SEO

AI-optimized SEO

Track Your Rankings

Easy To Use

Breadcrumb Block


Spectra Blocks Logo

Fast Loading Fonts

One-click Block Presets

GDPR Compliant

Mobile Friendly


Smush Logo Icon

Automated Optimization

Multisite Compatible

Lazy Loading

Image Resizing Option


WP Rocket Logo
WP Rocket

Highly Compatible

Latency Reduction

Lots of Customize Options

Database Optimization

What Kind of Plugins Do You Need for a WordPress Blog?

Choosing plugins for a WordPress blog could feel like too much work when numerous plugins are available in the market.  

So, let’s review some of the plugins that are essential for blogs and contribute to effective blogging.  

  1. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Plugin: Your site needs to rank higher on search engines, as more traffic will be drawn to your site when you rank better on search engines like Google. SEO plugins can be of immense help for WordPress websites and even blogs.
  2. Contact Form Plugin: A contact form acts as a medium for communication between you and your audience. Thus, contact form plugins help you create forms to get quick responses or ask for your users’ contact information.
  3. Security Plugin: When you use security plugins on your site, your blog and its users are set to be secure from possible spam or hackers.  
  4. Cache Plugin: Your blog’s content and performance should be top-notch and smooth. Cache plugins improve your site’s speed and performance, so using one on your blog is beneficial.  
  5. Google Analytics Plugin: With Google Analytics plugins, you can monitor your blog’s progress and growth using different statistics. Based on such statistics, you can understand your audience type.

30 Best WordPress Plugins for Blogs

Now that we’ve settled on what type of plugins we need let’s review the best WordPress plugins for blogs and decide which ones are best for us.

1. Everest Forms

Readers captivated by your blogs might want to contact you. And what better way for them to do so than through forms? First on our list is Everest Forms!

Everest Forms - Best WordPress Plugins for Blogs

Whether you’re looking to create forms from scratch or add one from the library, the plugin allows you to do so with no hesitation.

This plugin’s user-friendly customization interface is equipped with drag-and-drop fields. After creating and customizing the form, you can simply embed it on any page or post on your blog site.

Plus, your forms are fully responsive and can be used on any portable device, such as mobile phones and tablets.

Key Features:

  • Shortcode to help add the forms in WordPress blog posts, pages, sidebars, and more
  • Support from Google reCAPTCHA to block the spam
  • Redirect the user to a specific page after form submission
  • View form entries from the dashboard of your website
  • Editable form validation message

Price: Freemium (Premium version starts from $48.30/year.)

You can view some more WordPress form builder plugins in one of our articles.

2. BlockArt Blocks

If you’re looking for a Gutenberg editor alternative, we must suggest the BlockArt Blocks plugin.

BlockArt Blocks for Blog Websites

This user-friendly plugin overcomes Gutenberg’s shortcomings, such as limited blocks and customization options.  

So, you get a range of diverse blocks, sections, and patterns to create your blog as per your requirements.

You can either start from scratch or use the various pre-built sections and templates provided by the plugin.

Key Features: 

  • Allows to copy and paste style of any block   
  • Caching plugin compatible  
  • There is no limit to layout possibilities  
  • Lightweight and super-fast in speed   
  • Offers responsive editing   

Price: Freemium (Premium version starts from $55/year.)

3. Yoast SEO

If you have a blog, one essential thing you must do is focus on its SEO. Yoast SEO is one of the best and oldest plugins for improving SEO.

Best Plugins for Blog Yoast

Yoast has many features that can improve your WordPress blog, including SEO. It can also optimize your keywords and synonyms.

The plugin also analyzes your blog’s readability and calculates the Flesch Reading Ease score so that your readers can better understand your content.  

But if you want a Yoast SEO alternative, then Rank Math is an equally good SEO plugin that helps optimize your content with built-in suggestions.

Key Features:  

  • Keyword optimization for synonyms and related keywords 
  • Complete control over breadcrumbs for setting primary categories for posts  
  • No duplicate content with the help of canonical URLs 
  • Content Insights to check the match for chosen keywords 
  • Readability check from Flesch Reading Ease score 

Price: Freemium (Premium version costs $99/year.)

4. Spectra

Spectra began as a block plugin for WordPress and has evolved into a full-page builder. It has a free version, Spectra, and a premium version, Spectra Pro.

Spectra - Visual Website Builder

Both integrate seamlessly with the WordPress editor and provide a range of blocks, wireframes, and templates for building pages for your blog.

As Spectra works with WordPress, there are very few performance penalties for using it, while the tools can help speed up page building exponentially.

With over 30 blocks, your only limitation is your imagination. Think of any blog design you can, and Spectra will implement it on your site.

Key Features:

  • Free and premium versions
  • Clean code with no performance penalties
  • Lots of blocks and resources
  • Ready-made templates and wireframes
  • Popup, modal, and slider builders with Pro

Price: Freemium (Premium version starts from $49/year.)

5. Smush

When your blog’s content keeps on increasing, and you don’t compress the images, it can take up a lot of space. This can also affect the site’s speed and lead to slow performance.

Smush Image Optimization for Blogs

You can use the Smush plugin to compress the images on your blogs. It’s regarded as one of the best image optimization plugins for any website.

It scans the images on your site, maintains their size, and removes any unwanted components.

This plugin can help you optimize your blog images while maintaining quality. As your site’s speed increases, your users’ experience improves!

Key Features:

  • Compress the images without reducing their quality
  • You can also resize the images with a specific height and width
  • Bulk image compression with up to 50 images at a time
  • Incorrect Image Size Detection to locate images slowing the site speed
  • View Smush image stats directly in image blocks

Price: Freemium (Premium version starts from $3/month.)

6. WP Rocket  

Your page speed might still affect your blog even when you produce SEO-friendly content. Users may not have a good experience with a slow site’s content.

WP Rocket Plugin for Faster Blog

That’s why you need to make your blog perform faster and better using cache plugins.

WP Rocket is a great cache plugin that offers a vast range of automatic optimization features for your site. It also helps improve your PageSpeed score and loading time.

With it, you can customize the settings per your requirements with advanced options like XML sitemaps, optimized Google Fonts, lazy loading for images, etc.  

Key Features:  

  • Offers browser caching, GZIP compression, and page caching  
  • Cross-origin support  
  • Supports third-party plugins like Jetpack, Yoast, and more  
  • WooCommerce compatible  
  • Multilingual ready  

Price: Cost starts from $59/year

7. Akismet Anti-Spam

Spam can contaminate your site and backend files through various comments or contact form submissions from users.

Akismet - WordPress Blog Plugin

To reduce them, you can use the Akismet plugin – one of the best plugins for dealing with spam.

It’s an anti-spam plugin that examines all your comments and contact form submissions for harmful content.

Additionally, it automatically analyzes the website and removes any content that might be considered spam.

Key Features:

  • Extremely easy backup and restore processes
  • Status history for each comment to view where the spam was found
  • Moderators can view the number of spam comments from each user
  • Discard features that block the worst spam to save storage
  • Fast performance saves a lot of time

Price: Freemium (Premium version starts from $9.95/month.)

If you are interested in the best WordPress anti-spam plugins, please check our article on it.

8. Jetpack

Jetpack is probably one of the best WordPress plugins for blogs if you want to manage your blog’s website effortlessly.

Jetpack - Best WordPress Plugins for Blogs

Developed by Automattic, Jetpack also provides you with various site statistics. With it, you can keep track of the visitors or readers you get on your blogs and work out ways to increase them even more.

This plugin also helps with spam filtering, malware scanning, and brute force attack protection.

Thus, it prevents unwanted intrusions on your website, and your blog will be in safe hands.

Key Features:

  • Powerful customization tools for the design you desire
  • Faster mobile experience with lazy image loading
  • SEO tools for Google, Bing, Twitter, Facebook, and
  • Top-notch security with brute force attack protection and spam filtering
  • Ability to manage multiple websites from one dashboard

Price: Freemium (Premium version starts from $9.95/month.)

9. UpdraftPlus

Even if you’ve installed security plugins and systems for your blog, your blog might still be vulnerable to illegal activities.

UpdraftPlus Plugin for Blogging

You’ll need a backup plugin to avoid harm, and UpdraftPlus is one of the best WordPress backup plugins.

You can back up your content using UpdraftPlus in cloud databases like Dropbox, Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive, iCloud, and more. Then, you can click on restore to obtain it again with just a single click.

Using this plugin, you can also schedule automatic backups to back up your content to multiple cloud services.

Key Features:

  • Automatic scheduled backup for your contents
  • Use fewer server resources for faster processing
  • Enables you to back up your content on multiple cloud services
  • Easily duplicate or migrate websites with the help of Migrator
  • Free, dedicated expert support

Price: Freemium (Premium version starts from $70/year.)

10. Wordfence  

Keeping your WordPress blog secure for yourself and your users is essential. WordPress security plugins like Wordfence can tackle hackers, spam, or any other threat.

Wordfence Best WordPress Plugins for Blogs

The plugin offers malware scans, firewall protection, blocking, and much more.

With Wordfence, you can monitor your traffic in real-time, log in and out, report 404 errors, and more.

Further, their two-factor authentication is handy for enhancing your blog’s login security.  

Key Features: 

  • 24/7 incident response team  
  • Centralized management  
  • Offers country blocking in the premium version  
  • Delivers highly configurable alerts via SMS, Mail, and Slack  
  • Offers to compare your core files, plugins, and themes with the ones in the WordPress repository  

Price: Freemium (Premium version starts from $119/year.)

11. ThirstyAffiliates

Affiliate links are one of the most common methods of monetizing a blog. To use them efficiently, you’ll need to cloak them.

ThirstyAffiliates - Best WordPress Plugins for Blogs

ThirstyAffiliates is one of the best WordPress plugins for this.

This simple WordPress blog plugin makes it easy to cloak affiliate links and use them on your blogs.

It creates a new cloak or short link and redirects it to the unnecessary long affiliate link. You can also assign different categories to the links so that it’s easier to manage them as well.

Key Features: 

  • Easy setup and interface to save you a lot of time
  • Option to group your affiliate links into different categories
  • Multiple safe redirect options like 301, 302, or even 307
  • Availability to add an image to the affiliate links
  • Built-in reports and statistics of affiliate links

Price: Freemium (Premium version costs $99.60/year.)

12. WooCommerce

Blogs are also used to promote and sell products. Hence, if you need to sell products through your blog, WooCommerce will be perfect for you.

WooCommerce - Best WordPress Plugins for Blogs

It has been one of the best blog plugins for WordPress for selling products for quite some time.

You can easily set up a WooCommerce store on your WordPress blog, add physical or digital products on your blog, and start selling immediately.

The vast number of WooCommerce extensions available on the market can even help you customize and improve the selling process yourself.

Key Features:

  • Easily set up a store or sell a product with just a few clicks
  • Provides their own user account pages for smooth transactions
  • Flexible and secure payments with multiple gateways
  • Fully responsive, which enables you to manage the orders from your mobile
  • Excellent support and documentation to help you anytime

Price: Free

If you’re interested in knowing about WooCommerce extensions, we’ve got you covered.

13. User Registration

The User Registration plugin is one of the best WordPress blog plugins for adding registration and login options.

User Registration Best WordPress Plugin for Blogs

With this plugin, you can set up an entire registration system consisting of registration forms, login forms, and user profiles.

Moreover, you can restrict content to users based on their roles. For example, only logged-in readers can comment on your blog posts. 

Besides, the plugin also allows you to manage your bloggers and readers effortlessly.

If that’s not enough, you can even use its huge range of add-ons to increase the functionality of your blogs, too.

Key Features:

  • Multiple design styles for forms
  • Auto-login after registration to save time
  • WordPress dashboard access based on the assigned roles
  • Admin approval for registration
  • Show/Hide label option in each field

Price: Freemium (Premium version starts from $79/year.)

We’ve listed some more WordPress user registration plugins. Please take a look at it if you want to explore more plugins.

14. Mailchimp for WordPress

Email marketing is also one of the major ways through which you can grow your blogs. To help you with it, Mailchimp for WordPress is the best plugin you can get. 

Mailchimp Best WordPress Plugins For Blog

It’s one of WordPress’s most popular email marketing plugins that can manage subscribers, send emails, and track results in bulk.

This plugin enables you to add more blog subscribers to your email list easily and helps you achieve the target for your email campaign.

Further, it seamlessly integrates with all the major WordPress plugins, so you won’t have any problems while using it.

Key Features:

  • User-friendly interface
  • Translation-ready plugin which can be presented in any language
  • Availability to modify the plugin with code snippets
  • Multiple extensions to increase the functionality
  • Awesome support and well-documented

Price: Freemium (Premium version starts from $99/year.)

15. Newsletter

Using newsletters on your blog is also one of the great ways to gather more readers and keep your current users engaged. For this, you can use the Newsletter WordPress plugin.

Newsletter Best WordPress Plugins for Blogs

As the name suggests, it’s one of the best WordPress plugins for newsletters

The plugin’s drag-and-drop composer makes building newsletters easy. You can create unlimited newsletters; the plugin tracks them and provides stats. 

Moreover, you may extend the plugin’s functionality even further by adding a few extensions.

Key Features:

  • Easy-to-use drag-and-drop composer
  • Unlimited subscribers and newsletters with statistics and tracking
  • Subscription spam check with Akismet and captcha
  • Delivery speed and fine control start from 12 emails per hour
  • WPML and translation ready

Price: Freemium (Premium version starts from $79/year.)

16. MonsterInsights  

You can track the growth of your WordPress blog based on various statistics with the help of the best Google Analytics plugin, MonsterInsights.


Further, you can understand your audience types and cater to them to boost your blog’s traffic.  

Apart from that, it tracks your user views from multiple platforms and various devices.

This plugin also allows you to run advanced link tracking with custom options, including RSS and Anchor tracking. 

Key Features:  

  • GDPR Compliance
  • Offers automatic tracking  
  • Customizable dashboard widget  
  • Offers real-time reports  
  • Integrated with WooCommerce, WPForms, CookieBot, etc.  

Price: Freemium (Premium version starts from $99.60/year.)

17. WP Delicious

If you run a food-related blog, WP Delicious is a must-have plugin!

WP Delicious

WP Delicious is the fastest-growing recipe plugin recommended by WordPress experts.

The plugin includes essential features like recipe images, unlimited recipe creation, nutrition charts, detailed text instructions, printable recipe options, and advanced recipe search.

WP Delicious is highly customizable, with customizable widgets, email templates, and recipe units.

The plugin also offers engaging features like the ‘Surprise Me Feature’, which loads random recipes, and a User Dashboard where site visitors can add recipes as their favorites.

Key Features

  • Create unlimited professional-looking recipes 
  • 3 Recipe card layouts
  • Pinterest-rich pins support 
  • Showcase user ratings
  • Advance search filters to navigate through recipes

Price: Freemium (Premium version costs $59 for the 1 Year plan.)

18. Ajax Search Lite

A blog needs to have an excellent user interface to help readers search for particular content. In this case, a search plugin like Ajax Search Lite can contribute a lot.

Ajax Search Lite

It’s one of the best WordPress plugins for blogs to help your readers search for topics. 

This plugin is much better than the default search bar, as it also provides category and post-type filters.

It’s also designed to ensure smooth animation throughout your blog when your readers use the search bars.

Key Features:

  • Supports custom post types and field types
  • Automation search replacement options
  • Widget and shortcode-friendly
  • Display images in the search results
  • Frontend search settings boxes

Price: Freemium (Premium version costs $39 for a lifetime license.)

Want to explore more such plugins? Here is a collection of the best WordPress search plugins.

19. Elementor

Installing a page builder plugin can be helpful for any WordPress website. And if you’ve spent a fraction of the time with WordPress, you might know that Elementor is one of the popular page builders.

Elementor Website Builder for Blogs

Furthermore, it can even be one of the best plugins for blogs.

You can quickly get used to using this plugin and modify any part of your WordPress blog within minutes. Its excellent drag-and-drop interface makes the changes you need for your blogs effortless.

Plus, it has a lot of flexibility to create and implement your favorite designs on your website.

Key Features:

  • Easy-to-use drag-and-drop interface
  • Highly customizable design options for your blogs
  • Fully responsive design and accessible on any mobile devices
  • Undo and redo action, along with a revision of the history
  • Built-in maintenance mode for special circumstances

Price: Freemium (Premium version starts from $2.99/month.)

20. SeedProd

As a blogger, you might also want to create high-converting landing pages for your site. SeedProd is the WordPress plugin that lets you do exactly that.

SeedProd WordPress Blog Plugin

It’s useful for building coming soon and maintenance mode pages, as well as beautiful landing pages that convert visitors into subscribers.

That’s not all. This multi-functional plugin can also be used as a WordPress website builder.

It means you can use its intuitive drag-and-drop feature to edit every part of your blog website, like headers, footers, archives, global parts, and more. 

Key Features:

  • Super-fast drag-and-drop page builder
  • Beautifully designed pre-built templates and layout sections
  • Revision history, undo and redo options
  • Live previews of the pages
  • Integration with popular email marketing tools

Price: Freemium (Premium version starts from $39.50/year.)

21. Popup Maker

Popups done right are one of the best ways to grab a reader’s attention and generate leads. So, adding the Popup Maker plugin to your site can really help your readers get hooked on your blog.

Popup Maker Plugin for Blog

It’s one of the best blog plugins that allows you to create any popup you like and display it anywhere on your blogs.

Moreover, the content of the popups is completely customizable to meet your every need.

Key Features:

  • Fully responsive design suitable for any mobile devices
  • Opt-in form popups, slide-out pop-ups, banner bars, and many more
  • Compatible with major WordPress plugins
  • Dictate the frequency at which the user sees the popups
  • Auto-open triggers to set a timed delay

Price: Freemium (Premium version starts from $99/year.)

If you want to explore more of the best WordPress popup plugins, we’ve got a blog article for that as well.

22. Revive Social  

Social media is an excellent source of blog referral traffic. However, when you manually re-share your content, it can be pretty time-consuming.

Revive Old Posts

Hence, with Revive Social, you can share each post automatically on social media platforms like Facebook. 

Besides, it revives your blog’s articles from the archive and re-posts them to grow its reach. Also, you can set a schedule for your article’s publications as well.

Thus, Revive Social can be used in your blog to grow your social media followers, engage with existing followers, and uplift your site’s traffic. 

Key Features: 

  • Allows to pick a time between social media post-sharing  
  • URL shorteners are compatible  
  • Allows users to choose the maximum and minimum age of posts to share on social media  
  • Can automatically generate hashtags  
  • Integration with Google Analytics  

Price: Freemium (Premium version starts from $99/year.)

23. Co-Authors Plus

Co-Author Plus is one of the best WordPress blog plugins for managing author names for a particular blog post.

Co-Authors Plus - WordPress Blog Plugins

It’s ideal when multiple authors work on a single blog. You’ll probably have to present their work as co-authors to get readers to recognize it.

The plugin functions with 5 blocks that provide the co-author’s information.

It enables you to assign multiple bylines to posts, pages, and custom post types. The co-authors assigned are also allowed to edit the posts they are associated with the help of this plugin.

Key Features: 

  • Assign multiple bylines to posts, pages, and custom post types
  • Easy-to-use interface to help you quickly add co-authors
  • Can be activated with WordPress multisite
  • Availability of template tags to list co-authors
  • Option to disable guest authors whenever necessary

Price: Free

24. wpDiscuz

Adding a comment section is one of the easiest ways to increase user interaction. wpDiscuz is one of the best WordPress plugins for this task.

wpDiscus WordPress Blog Plugin

This plugin is quite fast, responsive, and packed with many exciting features. Depending on your blog post, you can disable or enable the comments.

It also has comment list sorting, where readers can view the comments according to the newest, oldest, or most voted comments.

Key Features:

  • Multilevel comment threads for detailed discussions
  • Anonymous comments without names and emails
  • Full integration with Social Media Login systems
  • Different date formats for the comments
  • Clean, simple, and responsive design

Price: Free (Addons for the plugin are sold separately.)

25. Broken Link Checker    

Broken links on your blogging site have a negative impact on your users. Further, it also affects your site’s SEO and ranking on search engines.

Broken Link Checker - WordPress Blog Plugins

That’s why you need to use the Broken Link Checker for your blog site.

Broken Link Checker is an awesome WordPress blog plugin that checks for broken links and notifies you either via email or dashboard.

It monitors all internal and external links of your posts, pages, comments, etc., and helps you fix them to improve SEO and provide a better user experience. 

Key Features:

  • Check for broken links, images, and redirects
  • It enables searching and filtering links by URL, anchor text, etc.
  • Make broken links display differently in posts
  • Edit the link directly from the plugin’s page without manually updating each post
  • Prevents search engines from following broken links

Price: Free 

26. Redirection   

As we can guess from the name, Redirection is a popular redirect manager plugin for your WordPress site.

Redirection Plugin

It enables you to create and manage redirects for any broken links so that users reach other relevant pages/posts whenever they click on them. 

Besides, you can easily configure this plugin to monitor when the permalinks of your blog pages and posts are changed.

Hence, it automatically creates a redirect to the new URL. Overall, it’s a powerful redirection plugin that helps reduce errors and improve your site ranking.

Key Features:

  • Easily manage 301 redirects
  • Keep track of 404 errors
  • Conditional redirect options (login status, browser, referrer, etc.)
  • Configurable logging options to view redirects occurring on your site
  • No coding skills required

Price: Free

27. Ad Inserter    

If you wish to earn revenue by placing ads on your blogs, Ad Inserter is a must-have plugin for WordPress blogs.

Ad Inserter WordPress Plugin

It comes with top-notch advertisement features and supports all types of ads, such as Google Adsense, Google Ad Manager, Amazon Native Shopping Ads, and more. 

The best thing about this ad manager plugin is that it lets you insert ads on your pages and posts at different places.

Some of those places include before or after posts, content, excerpts, above the header, and footer. 

Key Features:

  • Automatic insertion of ads on pages/posts
  • Disable ads on individual pages/posts
  • Generate codes for banners and placeholders
  • Advanced options for inserting opt-in forms, header scripts, tracking, ad codes, etc. 
  • Easy copying, pasting, and setting of ads using an internal clipboard

Price: Freemium (Premium version starts from €20/year.)

28. Simple Author Box 

Simple Author Box is one of the best WordPress plugins for displaying a responsive author profile at the end of blog posts.

Simple Author Box

It enables you to show the author’s gravatar, name, author description, etc., in a captivating manner. 

The plugin also offers 30+ social profile fields within the author box, where you can display the social icons effortlessly.

Furthermore, Simple Author Box is fully customizable to match your theme’s style, color, size, and text options. 

Key Features:

  • Simple setup and easy-to-use
  • Responsive and mobile-ready author box
  • Ideal for guest posts and guest authors
  • Manually insert the author box on your template file (single.php or author.php) 
  • Premium version for more advanced features

Price: Freemium (Premium version starts from $39/year.)

29. WPML  

Do you want your blogs to reach people worldwide? The WordPress multilingual plugin WPML can help.

WPML Best WordPress Plugins for Blogs

It’s a powerful WordPress plugin for building a multilingual site, as it enables you to translate all your posts, pages, custom post types, and even the theme’s text to the language you want.

Further, the plugin helps you optimize your site for SEO in multiple languages. WPML also works great with your favorite WordPress themes, plugins, and page builders

As the plugin is compatible with WooCommerce, you can easily set up multilingual and multicurrency online stores and provide users with a localized purchasing process.

Key Features:

  • Reliable and secure WordPress multilingual plugin
  • Translated into over 40 languages
  • Flexible translation methods to fit your needs
  • Stable and secure
  • Seamless integration with popular SEO plugins

Price: Premium plan starts at €39/year for the Blog plan.

30. Disable Comments       

Yet another free WordPress blog plugin on our list, Disable Comments, lets you enable or disable comments from any post type.

Disable Comments WordPress Blog plugin

Hence, if you are sick of annoying comments spamming your blog website, the plugin will help you prevent it. 

Once you install the plugin, you can easily override the comment settings throughout your website.

Do you have multiple websites? That’s not a problem because this fantastic plugin will effortlessly help you remove all the irrelevant comments on your entire network. 

Key Features:

  • Easily disable comments on posts, pages, and media
  • Hide comment-related sections from the WordPress dashboard
  • Stop spam comments in a click
  • Option to delete comments by type
  • Quick setup wizard

Price: Free

Wrapping Up with the Best WordPress Plugin for Blogs!

These are some of the best WordPress plugins that we’ve gathered for your blog.

You can use the ones that fit you and give the best results for your blogs. However, we encourage you not to use all the plugins at once.

You can experiment with one plugin at a time and measure its performance. Using all of them at once might increase the load on your blog website and make it slower.

If you’re wondering how to add a blog to WordPress, we have a tutorial on creating a WordPress website and a collection of the best WordPress blog themes.

Also, follow us on Twitter and Facebook to stay updated on our recent articles.

Happy Reading!

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9 Best WordPress Countdown Timer Plugins for 2024 (+ How to Use?) Mon, 22 Apr 2024 08:54:06 +0000 Are you wondering how to inform your website’s visitors about events or deals you’re offering? The answer is to use one of the best WordPress countdown timer plugins.

A WordPress countdown timer plugin helps you add a countdown timer to your website in a matter of minutes.

So, in this article, we’ll unlock the best WordPress countdown timer plugins and explain how to use them.

Let’s get started on this!

Are you in a hurry? Here are our top picks for WordPress countdown timer plugins:

Top Picks


Ultimate Blocks Logo
Ultimate Blocks

Regular, Odometer & Circular

Color Customization

User-friendly Interface

Detailed Documentation


BlockArt Blocks Logo
BlockArt Blocks

Drag-and-Drop Builder

Lightweight and Fast

Pre-built Templates

Secure and Well-coded


HurryTimer Logo

Multiple Designs for Timer

WooCommerce Integration

Live Design Customizer

Friendly Support

What are WordPress Countdown Timer Plugins?

WordPress countdown timer plugins allow you to display a digital clock on your website and count down the remaining time until a particular moment.

Such timers can excite visitors for events like sales, product launches, and anniversaries.

For example, you sell WordPress themes and offer discounts on some occasions, like New Year.

Example of Countdown Plugin in WordPress Website

Now, if you put a countdown for the sales happening, it develops a fear of missing out on the good deals among customers. Thus, it sends a message of urgency to visitors to buy the product.

Meanwhile, there are mainly two types of countdown timers:

  • Standard: Counts the time to an event like a website launch and remains the same for every visitor, i.e., the time shown is fixed for everyone.
  • Evergreen: Starts counting the time only when a visitor lands on your website, i.e., it provides a personalized countdown for each visitor.

Hence, using the countdown is also an efficient marketing technique.

Benefits of WordPress Countdown Timer Plugins

WordPress, by default, doesn’t have an option to add a countdown timer on the WordPress website. Thus, you’ve got to rely on the WordPress countdown timer plugin for this.

Meanwhile, using such a WordPress countdown plugin has several benefits:

  • It’s hassle-free, as you don’t have to touch a single line of code to add the countdown timer.
  • Makes your products, events, or offers more desirable among your customers.
  • It boosts sales as it creates a sense of competition among your audience to buy the product as soon as possible.
  • Several plugins provide a variety of designs to choose from for the countdown.
  • Improves user experience by highlighting important events and dates.

Thus, using the WordPress countdown timer plugin is the easiest way to add a countdown to your website.

9 Best WordPress Countdown Timer Plugins

Let’s now look at the nine best WordPress countdown timer plugins:

1. Ultimate Blocks

First on the list of the best WordPress countdown timer plugins, we have Ultimate Blocks. You can install the plugin and use its countdown blocks to attract your audience elegantly.

Ultimate Blocks -One of the Best WordPress Countdown Timer Plugins

Similarly, you can add a stylish countdown timer to your post or page using three appealing designs: circular, regular, and odometer style, to match the timer with your website’s design.  

Meanwhile, you can also customize the color of the timer and set the largest and smallest units in the timer. The time units are weeks, days, hours, minutes, and seconds.

Besides, it isn’t only the timer plugin; it offers interactive content filters, captivating call-to-actions, and 15+ other blocks.

Key Features:

  • Allows to resize timer
  • Blocks are SEO-friendly
  • Detailed documentation is available
  • Optimized for speed
  • Compatible with eCommerce websites

Pricing: Freemium (The premium version costs $49/year)

2. BlockArt Blocks

BlockArt Blocks is a Gutenberg plugin that helps you transform your creative ideas into reality. It offers over 25 powerful and unique pre-built blocks, including a Countdown block. 

BlockArt Blocks Home Page

The Countdown block has units: days, hours, minutes, and seconds that you can set for a pre-determined deadline. You can also effortlessly customize the design and other elements of the block.

BlockArt Blocks are also visually appealing and enhance your webpage’s design. Meanwhile, they are responsive and adapt to various screen sizes and devices.

Overall, BlockArt Blocks offers a comprehensive solution to drive sales by motivating customers to purchase the product ASAP.

Key Features:

  • Lightweight and fast
  • Offers regular update
  • Range of support channel
  • A large collection of templates, sections, and starter packs
  • Compatible with other WordPress plugins

Pricing:  Freemium ($55/year)

3. HurryTimer

HurryTimer is a multi-purpose countdown WordPress plugin for creating one-time, recurring, or evergreen countdowns.

HurryTimer WordPress Countdown Plugin

While the free version offers evergreen and one-time campaigns, the premium version offers recurring campaigns.

It also has cookie and IP detection techniques for the evergreen campaigns. Further, it features a customizable CTA (call-to-action) button.

Using the plugin, you can display the same countdown timer multiple times. Meanwhile, the expiry actions have many options, like redirecting to the URL to hide the “Add to cart” button for WooCommerce products.

Key Features:

  • WooCommerce integration
  • Live design customizer
  • Compatible with page builders
  • Auto-restart for the timer
  • Conditional display available for the countdown

Pricing: Freemium (The premium version costs $39/year)

4. Countdown Timer Ultimate

Countdown Timer Ultimate is another top WordPress countdown plugin that displays the timer inside a circular design.

Countdown Timer Ultimate -WordPress Countdown Timer Plugin

Once you create the timer, you can add them anywhere on your website, including the sidebar. You can also change the color of the circle and background.

Further, it offers multiple options, such as creating an unlimited timer, setting a timer label, adding content, designing, etc.

The plugin is also available in a premium version, which offers advanced features like custom CSS, additional designs, and multi-language support.

Key Features:

  • Fully responsive
  • Proven to drive traffic and increase business revenue
  • Compatible with Gutenberg shortcode block
  • Allows to change background width
  • Easy to integrate eCommerce coupon code

Pricing: Freemium (The premium version costs $79.50/year)

5. Countdown, Coming Soon, Maintenance – Countdown & Clock

Countdown Builder is a WordPress countdown timer plugin offering a wide range of pre-built timers. It has over 15 varieties of countdown types, such as circle countdown, digital, timer, and so on.

Countdown, Coming Soon Maintenance Plugin

In addition, you can insert the timer on your page or posts via shortcode or use it in the popup.

You can easily change the font size, weight, style, and other attributes. You can also change individual text and background colors for different time units.

The plugin also offers other customization features through JavaScript and CSS.

Key Features:

  • Seamless integration with Gutenberg
  • WooCommerce compatible
  • Coming soon page available
  • Quick support team
  • Allows users to turn off blocks to enhance the site’s performance

Pricing: Free

6. Finale Lite

Finale Lite is the WooCommerce timer plugin that allows you to create promotional campaigns through a countdown timer.

Finale Lite Countdown Timer Plugin

Using this countdown WordPress plugin, you can run scheduled sales campaigns, such as seasonal promotions, pre-launch offers, early bird deals, instant discounts, and more.

Meanwhile, it also allows you to add a counter bar to show the status of stocks left in real time. That compels customers to hurry to buy these kinds of things.

Further, you can create your own rules to customize the campaigns.

Key Features:

  • Simple and easy to use
  • Pre-defined rules are available to customize the campaigns
  • Allows to run Happy Hours Deals for only a few hours
  • Option to set a campaign for a specific product or the whole store
  • Allows to run deals until the stocks last

Pricing: Freemium (The premium version costs $29/year)

7. Countdown Timer – Widget Countdown

Countdown Time is another addition to our list of WordPress countdown timer plugins. The plugin provides the best way to create beautiful timers within a few minutes.

Countdown Timer Widget Countdown - A Timer Plugin

The plugin can create countdown timers for posts, pages, and widgets. It’s also beginner-friendly, and you don’t have to use any coding to create the timer.

Further, it’s fully responsive and works perfectly with all WordPress versions. There’s also no restriction on the number of timers you create.

You can also set up a position and choose the distance from top to bottom. Best of all, you can select action after the time has expired and type the necessary message.

Key Features:

  • User-friendly backend
  • Compatible with popular WordPress themes
  • Allows to choose text and background color
  • Over 35 animation effects
  • Premium support available

Pricing: Freemium (The premium version costs $13/year)

8. Sales Countdown Timer

Another WooCommerce countdown timer plugin for WordPress – Sales Countdown Timer, allows shop owners to boost their sales.

Sales Countdown Timer -One of the Best WordPress Countdown Timer Plugins

It assists you in displaying the sales countdown on a single product page or in the entire shop page of your WooCommerce site.

Meanwhile, you can also schedule specific sale times, position the countdown clock, display before and after product prices, use badges, etc.

In addition, the plugin displays a progress bar showing the number of products available for sale, products sold, and products available.

Key Features:

  • Easy-to-use shortcodes
  • Multiple profiles for setting
  • Allows to customize the design
  • It’s easy to change the offer after the countdown timer hits specific values
  • Reset mode available for admin for testing purposes

Pricing: Freemium (The premium version costs $20 for a Regular License)

9. Countdown Block

Countdown Block is a simple WordPress countdown plugin that lets you notify your website’s visitors about upcoming sales, events, or anything else.

Countdown Block - WordPress Countdown Plugin

With this timer plugin, creating a countdown timer in the Gutenberg block editor takes a few minutes.

Besides, the plugin is completely customizable. Not only that, it’s lightweight with no extra resources. Hence, your site’s speed will not be burdened while using the theme.

Backed by a dedicated support team, the plugin is worth a try.

Key Features:

  • Options for evergreen and recurring timer
  • Responsive preview controls
  • Unlimited customization options
  • Advanced border styles
  • Over five design presets are available

Pricing: Free

Now that you know the best WordPress Countdown timer plugins, let’s learn how to add them to your website.

How to Add Countdown Timer to Your Website with WordPress Countdown Timer Plugin?

Among the WordPress plugins mentioned above, we’ll use BlockArt Blocks to add a countdown timer in this guide.

That’s because BlockArt Blocks has a variety of blocks and is flexible in using any of its features. It also maintains a simple user interface, ensuring the plugin is easy for beginners and experts.

Thus, adding a countdown timer to your WordPress website is straightforward with BlockArts Block. All you need to do is follow the steps mentioned below, and you’re good to go.

In the meantime, this tutorial will use a sample website made using the Zakra theme and its starter template, Yoga.

Step 1: Install the BlockArt Blocks Plugin

The first step in using any plugin on a WordPress website is installing it. To install BlockArt Blocks, visit your WordPress dashboard and navigate to Plugins >> Add New Plugin.

Navigate to Add New Plugin

Now, use the search bar to find the BlockArt Blocks. When you find the results, hit the Install Now button.

Install BlockArt Blocks

Again, hit the Activate button.

That’s how you install the plugin. You now have the BlockArt Blocks in your WordPress website to create a countdown timer.

Step 2: Use the Countdown Block on Your Post/Page

As mentioned above, the Countdown block by BlockArt Blocks lets you display a timer of events on your website’s page or post.

Hence, decide where you want to display the countdown timer. Next, open the page or post where you want to add the countdown timer.

Navigate to Posts or Pages

Click on the [+] icon on the top-left corner to use the Countdown block

Block Icon to Add Block

Next, search for Countdown and drag and drop the block on the editor.

Search and Add Countdown Block

The block might appear as shown in the image below:

Drag and Drop Countdown Block

Step 3: Customize the Countdown Block

You can easily customize the Countdown block through the block editing panel on the right-hand side. To do so, click the countdown block and then the Settings tab in the top-right corner.

Click on Block Settings

You’ll get the three options, General, Style, and Advanced, to customize the design and other elements of the block.

Setting Options for Countdown Block

General has the following options:

  • Date and Time: It allows you to set up a time and date from here based on your time zone
  • Design: You can change the overall design of the block from here.
  • Preset: From here, you can choose whether to display your timer as Rectangular or Circular. There are over four layout options to choose from.
  • Label: The labels offered by the block are Days, Hours, Minutes, and Seconds. Switch the toggle to the right to enable the label.
General Setting Options

Similarly, Style lets you change the styling elements through the following options:

  • Properties: From here, you can change the alignment of the labels to left, center, or right. You can also set the alignment for different devices such as Desktop, Tablet, and Mobile.
  • Label: You can change the text color and typography from here. 
  • Digit: If you’re not satisfied with the color of the countdown digit, you can change it from here. Also, you can change the typography of the countdown.
  • Separator: It allows you to separate the digits using the separator. The separator can be colon, line, slash, or none that separates the time units. You can also change the separator’s color and determine the space between the digits.
Style Customization for Countdown Block
  • Box: Use the option to display the countdown timer inside the box. You can further change the background, gap, padding, border, radius, color, and box size.
  • Border: This option allows you to customize the border of the countdown timer. You can choose the border’s type, radius, color, and size from here.

Under Advanced, you’ll get four customization options for the Countdown Block:

  • Spacing: The spacing option allows you to change block margins and padding and set the margins and padding for other devices.
  • Z-Index: This option allows you to set up responsive conditions for desktop, tablet, and mobile devices. Enabling it hides the block on the respective device.
  • Advanced: You can set the CSS ID and additional CSS classes from here. You can style the black using the CSS ID, while the CSS class allows you to add a CSS class and write custom CSS to style the specific block.
Advanced Customization Options for Countdown Block

You can update the page/post once you are satisfied with the customizations.

Update Page After Customization

Below is the webpage sample after adding and customizing the Countdown block by BlockArt Blocks.  

Webpage with Countdown Timer

That’s how you add a countdown timer to your website using the BlockArt Block countdown timer plugin.

Wrapping Up!

We hope this article provided you with an insightful learning experience about WordPress countdown timer plugins and how to use them. So, hurry up and get your hands on the timer plugin.

Any of the above incredible WordPress countdown plugins can help you show the deals for your website.

If you’re still confused about choosing one of these plugins, we recommend you go with BlockArt Blocks. We had an easy time implementing the countdown timer using the plugin.

Besides, the support team will get back to you in no time. So you’ll have a smooth time running the plugin on your site.

If you found the article insightful, why not share it with your friends? Also, you can visit our blog page for other exciting articles.

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